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I rolled over and opened my eyes

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I rolled over and opened my eyes. The condo was quiet and it was dark outside. I could hear Vain's soft breathing next to me and I smiled. I took a deep breath and stood up from the bed slowly. I was thirsty so I was going to go downstairs to get me something to drink. I walked towards the door and grabbed Vain's phone. It was midnight, I yawned and went to place the phone back down but it vibrated in my hand. I instantly looked at it and saw that the name on the screen was Roxy. I frowned, what the hell did she want. There was a part of me that was telling me not to pry but another part of me was telling me to. I placed my thumb on the button at the bottom and I was instantly denied access. His phone had a thumbprint as the verification code. I cursed under my breath and rolled my eyes when the phone started asking for a six-digit pin number. I pressed the sleep button and then I pressed it again and once again the phone was asking me for a thumbprint. I crept over to the bed silently and smiled when I saw Vain's hand hanging over the side of the bed. I grabbed his thumb gently and pressed it against the small button and the phone unlocked. I smirked and crept out of the room quickly. I walked into the guest bedroom and locked the door. Just in case he woke up he wouldn't be able to get in right away. I sat on the bed and my heart was pounding in my chest. Did I really want to go through his phone? I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Yes, I needed to know the truth. I tapped on their text messages and I was shocked by what I saw.

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Tainted Innocence  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora