Trust Lost

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It had been a few days since I last saw Vain

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It had been a few days since I last saw Vain. I couldn't shake the fear that I still had. I was scared that night and he didn't even care. I left my dance studio around eleven and crept into the house. Roman wasn't home yet so I was able to shower and climb into bed without him seeing me. I knew that I had to cover up the hickeys. If he saw them, he would freak out and I didn't feel like reliving how I got them. I used makeup to cover up most of the damage, but there was so much that it was hard. I tapped my pencil on my notepad and stared at the chalkboard. The teacher was talking but I couldn't hear a word she was saying. The only thing that I could focus on was that night. I closed my eyes and put my head down on my desk. I couldn't even sleep these past few nights because I was having nightmares. It was so hard to shake my screams. I could still feel his hands gripping my thighs and his lips against my skin. I hated it more than anything. A part of me wanted to beg Roman for the money so that I wouldn't have to see Vain tomorrow. I took a deep breath and sat up slowly. Maybe I wouldn't go in on Saturday. I couldn't face him; I didn't want to. It was going to be hard to look him in the face after what he did to me. Even being in my dance studio didn't feel the same anymore. I stared out the window, what was I going to do?

The bell rang and I stood up quickly. I gathered my books and my bag and made my way to the door. The day was finally over and I was grateful. The only thing that I wanted to do was go home and get in bed. I was supposed to have dance practice today but I canceled.  Everyone was happy about it because they don't like dancing on Fridays anyway. I walked out of the front door of the school and sighed. I was really starting to slack a lot and I hated it. I needed to get back to how I was before I met Vain. I couldn't let him take over my life and the things that I had going on.


I turned around and smiled when I saw Tarma running towards me. I loved my best friend but as of lately I have been dodging her too. I just needed to be alone so that I could heal properly. I wanted to talk to someone about it but I knew that it wasn't a good idea.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked adjusting my bookbag.

She frowned, "what the hell is going on with you? You are so distant and you never cancel dance practice. What is bothering you and don't try to lie to me." She folded her arms across her chest and stopped walking.

"I just haven't been sleeping well. I'm going to go home and get some rest. I think that it's starting to mess me up but other than that I'm okay." I shrugged leaning against a light pole.

She cocked her head to the side, "who are you fooling? What is really going on?"

I shook my head, "I just told you. I'm not getting enough sleep. You can believe what you want but that's the truth."

"Okay, I'll step back. It's just you know I worry about you."

I grabbed her hand and squeezed it, "and I appreciate that. Trust me, if something was wrong, I would tell you. You don't have to worry about me. But besides me what have you been up to?"

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