NXT Day 1

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Violet's POV

The moment I stepped foot backstage, I felt overwhelmed. Everyone was running all over the place, the place was full of conversation. There was a mix of wrestlers, refs and management running in what seemed like every direction. I must've stood there for a good minute before a short blonde girl wearing a shirt that said Johnny Wrestling on it walked over to me.

"You must be the new girl, Violet. My names Candice LeRae." The blonde said while extending her hand and all I could think of was Vince was about to dye my hair fucking blonde. I shook Candice's hand knowing I needed to be professional but she was already a little to bubbly for my taste.

"Do you know where Hunter's office is? Vince told me I was supposed to meet with him." I asked figuring it was better to ask little miss sunshine than spend forever looking for it.

"That's actually why I'm here, Hunter is busy at the moment and asked me to take you over to hair and make up so you can get your hair dyed and cut. Then he'll meet with us afterwards." Candice explained smiling the entire time.

"Lead the way then." I said while mentally sighing as I wasn't looking forward to this at all. Candice nodded and began leading me to hair and make up.

"And here we are. Liz will take good care of you." Candice said as Liz motioned for me to take a seat.

"I'm almost scared to ask but what exactly am I getting done to my hair?" I asked Liz.

"Sorry doll, I'm not allowed to tell you till I'm done. The boss thinks you'll run off if you know." Liz replied.

"I can't exactly run while under contract now can I?" I said rolling my eyes and both girls laughed thinking I was joking but I wasn't. It's not like I could afford to break my contract, I was stuck here for a year rather I hated it or loved it.

"Don't worry I'm sure it won't be anything that bad. I've had my hair dyed practically every color under the sun." Candice said as Liz began to cut my hair. Hearing Candice say that gave me no comfort at all.

"So how long have you been wrestling, Candice?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"A little over ten years total but only three in NXT. How about you?" Candice asked sitting in the chair next to me as this hair session would probably take awhile.

"A month.."I replied realizing just how under qualified I was to be here.

"Oh right, you were trained by the shield boys right?" She asked.

"Yeah until Vince randomly showed up looking for a partner for Andrade." I replied.

"He's a nice guy, can't always understand him but my husband enjoys working with him." She said.

"Well I speak Spanish so communication won't be an issue, thankfully. Your husband wrestles too?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, we met while wrestling. His name's Johnny." She said which explained why her shirt said Johnny wrestling." What about you, any significant others?" She asked.

"No significant others for me." I replied and just saying that hurt my heart because I couldn't even acknowledge Roman.

"Well lucky for you there's plenty of hot guys here. I mean you're paired up with one and considering you got hired for the job there must be chemistry between you two." Candice commented with a playful wink.

I immediately changed the subject as the last thing I wanted to talk about was guys considering mine was gone for three weeks and at work I had to pretend he didn't exist.

We made small talk which I despised for what felt like eternity before Liz told me she was done." Ready to see the final product?" Liz asked as I hadn't been able to see anything so far.

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