Catch Me

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The Next Day

Violet's POV

"Dean I'm starting to think you enjoy getting your ass kicked by me." I teased as I delivered a swift kick to his gut then delivered something called a DDT. I had no idea what it stood for but Dean had taught it to me earlier today during our training.

"One you aren't kicking my ass, I'm letting you practice moves on me." Dean said getting up." Two.." He said then suddenly picked me up and body slammed me." I can turn the tables anytime I like sweetheart, it just isn't much of a challenge." He said with a smirk as he watched me get up from the mat.

Besides the awkward fact I came on Deans lap while moaning Roman's name, today's training was going well. Since I had beaten the boys in the promo battle I didn't have to do Seth's crazy ass workout and instead was getting one on one training with Dean.

I did notice Roman was glancing at me out of the corner of his eye every now and then, I knew he either heard me yesterday or Dean told him what happened due to the text he sent me last night that I didn't reply to. Quite frankly I had no idea how to reply to his text.

"Earth to Vi'." Dean said snapping his fingers in front of my face to get my attention.

"That's rude." I said swatting his hand away.

"Once again, I never said I wasn't." Dean countered with a playful smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"You never said you were either." I replied as I ran the ropes and went for a clothesline knocking Dean to the mat as he sold it for me. I then did a backflip and landed on him.

"Getting fancy on me huh?" Dean asked then suddenly flipped us so he was on top.

"Impressed?" I asked with an innocent smile.

"I'd be more impressed if you did it off the top rope." He said as he stood up and helped me up.

"What you don't think I can?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"No I think you'll try and fail, there's a difference but don't worry I'll catch you when you fall, sweetheart." Dean said with a wink.

"I bet you $100 I will do it and succeed." I said wanting to prove him wrong.

"Vi', do you even have a $100?" Dean asked raising an eyebrow.

"Fuck you." I said rolling my eyes." Plus I don't plan on losing." I said with a confident smirk.

"Fine if you win I'll give you a $100, but if you lose then you owe me. Deal?" He asked.

"Owe you what exactly?" I asked.

"Shouldn't matter you're going to win right?" He countered.

"Fine, Deal." I should putting my hand out but Dean just smacked my ass hard.

"Alright, sweetheart give it your best shot." Dean said looking at me as suddenly Roman appeared in the ring.

"What's she about to do?" Roman asked looking at Dean.

"Try to do a backflip off the top rope." Dean said with a shrug.

"Fuck I'll stand on the outside of the ring." Roman said standing outside in front of the corner of the ring I was about to climb.

"That makes no sense I'm doing a back flip towards Dean, how would I even fall that way?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Just be thankful we're spotting you." Roman said.

"I'm thankful on the inside." I said sarcastically as I began to scale the ropes. Just as I was climbing the second turnbuckle to the third my left foot got stuck on the ropes and before I could even react I fell forward and into Roman's arms.

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