Lesson One

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Violet's POV

It's been two hours since we arrived at the boys house and I was still fucking responding to emails for them. I was currently sitting on the couch in their living room trying not to throw the laptop Roman told me to use at the wall.

It's not that sending emails was hard, it was just tedious work. Tedious work and me simply don't get along. The boys were scattered who knows where somewhere in this giant ass house. I sighed heavily in annoyance as I opened yet another email when suddenly Dean walked in carrying a drink which I could immediately tell from the smell was Jack and Coke and sat beside me.

"Trouble in email paradise, sweetheart?" Dean asked then took a drink from his glass.

"I would hardly call it paradise. Also can I have some please?" I asked innocently pointing to the glass as I set the laptop to the side as Dean was presenting a much needed distraction.

"It'll probably be to strong for you but sure sweetheart since you said please." Dean said handing me the glass. Once he handed me the glass I chugged the nearly full glass with ease. Enjoying the familiar burning sensation and couldn't help but laugh as Dean watched me slightly impressed. I seductively licked my lips then handed him the glass back." Thanks babe." I said with smile.

"I'm both pissed you drank my drink but also slightly impressed considering there was five shots in here and just a splash of coke." Dean said." Also if Roman asks I did not give you alcohol." He added.

"My lips are sealed. Would you like me to make you another drink?" I offered just wanting to get out of doing emails.

"I know you're just trying to get out of doing actual work but I'm to lazy to make another, so yes." Dean said and I nodded grabbing the empty glass and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniels then glanced around making sure no one was around then drank straight from the bottle for a few seconds before setting it down.

"Don't let Roman catch you doing that." Seth commented as he literally appeared out of thin air.

"So I've been told. You won't tell on me right, Seth?" I asked with an innocent smile walking over to him.

"Wouldn't dream of it babe, just remember you owe me one." Seth said leaning against the counter with nothing but grey sweats on then suddenly pulled me close and kissed me deeply and roughly then gave my ass a hard smack which genuinely surprised me as Seth seemed the least interested in me.

"I think I can live with that. Just let me know when I can be of assistance to you." I said with a wink trying to keep my composure after returning the kiss.

"How long does it take to make a drink sweetheart?!" Dean yelled from the living room.

"Back to work you go, babe. Till next time." Seth said giving me another hard smack on the ass before disappearing again.

"Twice as long if you yell at me again." I yelled back as I finished making Dean's drink before heading back to the living room and handed him his drink, he then patted his lap so I took a seat on his lap and snuggled into him. I was honestly about to take a nap when suddenly Roman entered the room.

"You finished already?" Roman asked looking at me.

"I'm taking a fucking break, I've been at it for two hours." I mumbled.

"I'm not paying you to sit on Dean's lap." Roman said rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry did you want me to sit on yours?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"No I want you to do the actual task I told you to do." Roman said suddenly picking me up from Dean's lap.

"Hey man she was assisting me!" Dean said.

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