18th Birthday

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Orlando, Florida

Violet's POV

Today was my eighteenth birthday, now to most an eighteen birthday is one of the biggest birthdays of their life. You're finally a legal adult. I mean you can't buy alcohol or cigarettes, but you can go to jail instead of juvie if you break the law. So yay to adulthood right? Wrong.

I was never much for birthday's to begin with, that's what happens when you grow up in the foster system. Your birthday is just basically a reminder that another year passed and you still weren't adopted. Then again I gave up on being adopted after hitting my early teenage years. No one wanted to adopt a teenager when they could adopt a cute adorable newborn or toddler who they could raise as their own. They especially didn't want a teenager who quote on quote had anger management problems, was full of sarcasm and prone to violence.

Here's the real kicker though, most people on their eighteen birthday get a car. Well in the adoption system you get kicked out at eighteen with nothing but a trash bag holding your minimal positions.

So, it should come as no surprise that I was sitting at a local bar flirting with the bartender to get free drinks. I may be a homeless eighteen year old but at least I looked sexy as hell tonight in my black skinny jeans that hugged my curves perfectly, white bralette that showed off my cleavage and leather jacket. All clothes I stole. Oops, are you really surprised though. I mean where would I get money for clothes.

"Hey Violet, your usual?" Kol asked with his usual devilish smile as he appeared out of nowhere. Kol was one of the the few people in the world I'd actually consider a friend. I was living with Kol and his family at one point but I had got into a fight with his older brother because he was trying to have sex with me. Of course, his brother Finn said I was coming into him and so the parents dropped me back off at foster care. Kol had always been nice to me while I lived there and had even tried to stand up for me when his parents kicked me out as he knew how his brother was but they didn't listen.

"Make it a double, I'm celebrating tonight." I said with a smirk as Kol poured me a double shot of Jack then filled the rest of glass with coke and slid it to me.

"And what are you celebrating? Getting in another fight?" He joked as I had gotten into more fights then I could count. I fight for survival though, I refused to get walked all over. Rather it was other foster kids trying to steal my shit or random girls talking shit about me on the sidewalk, I'll always stand my ground. I've never lost a fight and I don't plan on losing one anytime soon. I may not look like much of a fighter but don't judge a book by its cover.

"No I'm not celebrating another fight. I'm celebrating my birthday." I said taking a long drink of my jack and coke enjoying the burning sensation as it went down my throat.

"Happy birthday, Violet! I would say your drink is on the house but I'm pretty sure you haven't ever paid for a drink here. How old are you turning?" Kol asked.

"Why would I pay for drinks, when I'm allowing you to enjoy my presence." I said with a seductive smirk purposely leaning over the bar a little so my cleavage was on full display." And twenty two." I lied and he laughed.

"How old are you really turning Violet? I know you're younger than me and I'm 21. It's not like I'm going to kick you out of the bar, plus you have all the other bartenders wrapped around your little finger." He said playfully rolling his eyes.

"Eighteen." I replied truthfully with a shrug and immediately downed the rest of my drink wanting to forget the fact I had no home, money or food. But hey, what else was new. That's what happens when your asshole parents drop you off at a fire station three days after you were born without a care in the world.

"Shit that means they kicked you out huh?" Kol said looking at me sympathetically which I hated, I didn't want people's sympathy.

"Yeah, it's whatever though. I hated that fucking place anyways." I said with a shrug as I noticed the man two barstools over from me was checking me out." You just going to stare or are you going to buy me a drink?" I asked seductively twirling a stand of my hair as knew how to get what I wanted.

"Get the beauty whatever she wants on me." The guy instructed Kol and Kol poured me another Jack and Coke.

"Thank you handsome." I said with a seductive smile and a wink then turned my attention back to Kol after I had gotten what I wanted.

"You know I may have just the thing for you, hold on a minute." Kol said and began to look for something as I took another long drink from my now full glass.

"Really hope it's a million dollars because that would be great." I said sarcastically.

"Well how does $500,000 sound?" Kol asked immediately peaking my interest as he set a flyer in front of me that read WWE tryouts. I scanned the flyer and it read one month WWE conditioning and tryouts hosted by WWE Champion Roman Reigns and tag team champions Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. The company was offering to pay for the hotel for those that tried out and if you got signed after that month to a developmental contract you instantly get $500,000.

"That's great and all Kol except for one thing, I don't wrestle." I said rolling my eyes and finishing the rest of my drink.

"No but you know how to fight. You know how to survive. You're one bad ass chick, Violet. Plus even if it doesn't work out, you'll at least have your housing sorted for the month." Kol reasoned.

"I already know I'm a badass, Kol. I've been kicking ass since kindergarten when someone thought they could take my cookie." I said and Kol laughed.

"So are you going to do it? It starts tomorrow." Kol asked.

"I don't know I have so much going on tomorrow." I said and Kol raised his eyebrow." It was a joke Kol I don't have shit going on, I just got kicked out of foster care remember." I said rolling my eyes." Like you said I might as well get some free housing while I figure out my shitty life." I said with a soft sigh.

"You can crash in the back room of the bar tonight if you'd like." Kol offered as there was a mini room in the back of the bar that had a couch for some odd reason. Sometime I crashed there when I drank to much at the bar or simply didn't want to go back to hell aka foster care.

"That would be great, thanks." I said with a soft smile as I hopped off the barstool and walked to the back of the bar as I already knew the way. I walked inside then locked the door behind me and laid on the couch then sighed heavily.

"Happy fucking eighteen birthday to me." I mumbled then closed me eyes and knocked out.

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