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One Year Later

Violet's POV

Now I know what you must be thinking, there's no way that my plan worked. I couldn't possibly keep two men that I love in my life without choosing one and you'd be right. My plan didn't work, not even in the slightest. However in some ways I didn't choose a man, life chose for me.

Two months into our living arrangement and one month after I had mine and Roman's daughter Davina, things fell apart when both men proposed to me on the same day. I told them both no and I needed time to think. I mean I should've known that I'd eventually have to make a decision right? It was unfair to have both men give me all of them when I could only give them half of me. However, that didn't make the decision any easier.

As I was in my room with Davina fast asleep in my arms pacing back and forth trying to make a decision, I got a text from Nikki. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I mean how did she even get my number, to this day I'm not sure because I definitely didn't give it to her. However, I'm glad she got it somehow because she sent me screenshots of her and Roman's conversation which showed not even a day before he proposed to me he had hooked up with her. Now I know what you're thinking, I'm sleeping with two men. What's wrong with Roman sleeping with another women right? Even if it was Nikki.

The difference is I have always been upfront about it. Both Andrade and Roman knew I was sleeping with both of them. They both however had sworn up and down that I was the only women they were sleeping with. I broke off my arrangement with Roman instantly and kicked him out of my house after receiving those screenshots. So I guess Nikki got what she wanted. I now only let Roman near me to see our daughter. I am a constant thorn in his side now is what he likes to tell me because despite supposedly breaking things off with Nikki and trying to make amends with me, I won't let him anywhere near me physically or mentally. I refuse to let him in my heart again. I may be a thorn in his side but he's a thorn in my heart. He's Davinas father and that's all he will ever to be me.

I'll never cut him completely out of my life because Davina doesn't deserve to suffer for her father's stupidity. Although Andrade is an amazing father figure to her and if she wants to call him dad when she's older that's fine by me. I just want to give her the opportunity to know her biological father and choose for herself rather she wants Roman in her life. After all, growing up a foster kid I know firsthand it's better to have too many parents than not enough. Plus, despite being a crappy boyfriend at times Roman was a good father to Davina.

On a brighter note, a few weeks after kicking Roman out of my house I decided to accept Andrade's proposal. After all, he had been there for me through so much and he's been so incredibly patient with me. He's also helped raise Davina who was now eight months despite her not being his biologically. We had a small intimate wedding in Mexico surrounded by his family since you know foster child. It was a beautiful ceremony and I couldn't be prouder to wear my wedding ring on my finger.

I was now happily married to an amazing man and father, I was the happiest I had been in well ever. I had originally planned to go back to wrestling after having Davina, however I decided to give up wrestling until she got older that way she always had a parent present. Andrade was now on the main roster, so his travel schedule was hectic to say the least. Me and Davina traveled with him sometimes but often times we stayed home and had fun on our own while waiting for him to come home. By fun I mean Davina cries and I spend an hour panicking because I can't get her to stop. Then she eventually stops and falls asleep in my arms and I just stare at her wondering how I made something so precious. So yeah, my club days were definitely over as well.

The moment Davina was born, she was all that mattered to me. When I looked at her perfect little smile she had me wrapped around her finger. Same could be said for Andrade, whenever he got days off he spent every moment her could with Davina. And don't get me started on the fact he brings her a new outfit or toy after every trip. It honestly warmed my heart to know that my daughter was going to have three parents who loved her with everything in them. Something I never got.

"Feliz cumpleaños a ti, feliz cumpleaños a ti, feliz cumpleaños querida mami, feliz cumpleaños a ti." Andrade sung happy birthday in Spanish to me while holding Davina in his arms. I smiled then blew out the candles on my red velvet cake.

"What did you wish for hermosa?" Andrade asked placing Davina in her high chair and began slicing the cake.

I looked at Davina then at Andrade and smiled." Nothing, my wish already come true papi." I said." Although I wouldn't say no to a different type of dessert after Davina is asleep." I said with a smirk and Andrade chuckled.

"Tu deseo es mi comando, hermosa." Andrade said handing me a slice of cake then kissed me loving telling me my wish was his command.

Andrade the gave a very small piece to Davina and she immediately just her face in it causing both of us to laugh.

"In that case, you're also in charge of getting all the cake off her after she's done eating." I added with in an innocent smile as I began to eat my cake.

"Of course, can't have my little princess covered in cake." Andrade said kissing Davina's forehead as she began eating the cake with her hands.

If you had told me on my 18th birthday this would become my life because I'd slap a Samoan wrestler in the face, I'd never believe you in a million years. But look at me now, I have a family of my own.

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