Open Your Eyes

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Violet's POV

Pain. Darkness. Emptiness. That's what I felt. I have never felt so much pain in my life, I felt like I got hit by truck. Which I suppose was appropriate since I did get hit by one. My body ached and I felt throbbing pains in my legs and chest.

Darkness. Everything was dark. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. All I could hear was the beeping of the machines and doctors talking which must mean I'm in the hospital. I tried to scream for help but nothing came out. All I wanted to know was if my baby was okay. I didn't care about my health, I cared about my baby. I couldn't lose this baby. I no longer cared who the father was, I cared about the baby's health.

Emptiness. I felt like I lost apart of myself during that crash. It was if my life flashed before my eyes. I felt like crying but I couldn't even fucking doing that. Which was ironic considering how much I had been crying lately. I promised myself if I woke up from this there would be no more tears wasted on men.

"Mami?!" I heard Andrade say as he held my hand then kissed my forehead which sent a much needed shockwave of warmth through my system. "I'm here hermosa and I'm not going anywhere. Now just open those beautiful eyes of yours." He said giving my hand a squeeze and I tried to squeeze back but I couldn't. Sigh, this was annoying.

Although hearing Andrade's voice and feeling him hold my hand did make me feel less empty. I decided to try and focus all my energy on opening my eyes but they didn't budge. Maybe this was the end.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I heard Roman say. Well this wasn't going to go well I thought when suddenly sleepiness came over me and knocked me back out.

Roman's POV

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked in annoyance as I saw Andrade holding Violet's hand.

"Checking on my partner, what are you doing here?" Andrade asked confused and that's when I realized Violet never told him that I was the kids father. Actually I wasn't sure she told him she pregnant at all.

"Checking on the woman carrying my baby." I said finally letting the truth out. I should've told the truth from the moment we got together. It would've saved us so many arguments, hell we probably would still be together if I had just made our relationship public. She definitely wouldn't be in the hospital wrapped in bandages if I had.

"So you're the reason she's like this!" Andrade said angrily.

"You shouldn't even be here! You mean nothing to her, she doesn't even love you." I said angrily.

"Really? If I meant nothing to her then why did she tell me about the pregnancy first." Andrade countered and I felt my heart break all over again. Maybe I was wrong, maybe she was in love with Andrade. Maybe she just said she wasn't in the heat of the moment.

I mean she told her supposed friends with benefits she was pregnant before she told me, the father to her child. I stood there quietly for a moment.

"Did you know I was the father?" I asked Andrade.

"No, I'm still not sure you are. But if you are then I think you should know that Violet called me crying before she crashed. She was bawling her eyes out because of you. You did this to her and the baby. What kind of man.." Andrade began to say when suddenly I lost it and punched him in the face and he stumbled back.

How fucking dare he say I caused this! I didn't fucking hit Violet with a truck. He knew nothing about Violet's and my relationship and I was tired of him acting like he did. What gave him the right!

"You don't know a damn thing about mine and Violet's relationship so shut your damn mouth." I spat at him.

"Oh really? You know she's been attracted to me since we've met. The moment you fucked up, she came running to me and I treated her like a fucking queen. I mean then again it was pretty easy to please her, considering whoever fucked her last didn't even scratch the surface." Andrade said smugly and I punched him once more square in the jar.

"I dare you to say one more word Andrade, I will spear your ass in the middle of this hospital room if I have to." I said shaking with anger.

"Pathetic. She's here barely breathing and you think nows an appropriate time to act macho. No wonder she left you for a real man." Andrade said smugly once more as he sat back beside Violet and held her hand again."Te protegeré a ti y a la bebé de él.." He said to her in Spanish which I didn't understand he then kissed her forehead.

I honestly wanted to throw him out the window he was sitting by but I knew he was right, Violet wouldn't want us to fight. Hell she probably wouldn't even want me here right now. I sat on the other side of Violet and kissed her cheek then whispered in her ear." I'm sorry babygirl, just please open your eyes and I promise I'll never keep you a secret again."

"Since you're the father, do you happen to be listed on her medical forms because the doctors won't even tell me if the baby is alive." Andrade asked breaking the silence and I shook my head.

"You're fine I'm sure of it, you're fighter just like your mom." I said speaking to Violet's stomach as I laid my hand on it. Now it was just waiting game, hopefully she'd wake up soon. All doctors would tell us is she stable but wouldn't go into further details because we weren't family or spouses. Apparently being father to the kid wasn't good enough to know the health of the baby.

"Roman.."Violet said weakly as she suddenly looked at me once she opened her eyes.

"Yes Violet I'm here!" I said and immediately pressed the red button for the doctor.

"Don't close those beautiful eyes, hermosa." Andrade said and she turned to look at him.

"Andrade.." She said weakly.

"Save your strength mami, we can talk after." He said then kissed her softly and I had to restrain myself from punching him again but thankfully nurses and doctors came running in. They quickly pushed us aside and got to work examining Violet. Truth be told, she didn't look good. She definitely had a broken leg judging from the cast on her right leg and she was practically bandaged everywhere from the neck down. But she had her eyes opened now and that was a start.

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