Reality Hits

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A few hours earlier

Roman's POV

"Good luck out there brother." Dean said giving me a pat on the back as I waited for my music to hit at the top of the staircase.

"Keep that title where it belongs." Seth said with a smirk and patted my back as well.

"Thanks brothers." I said with a smile as I truthfully just wanted to get this match over with. Violet still hadn't called or texted me, which was completely unlike her. She normally always called before my matches. Part of me thought maybe she got called in for training or media last minute but the other part of me felt like she saw my segment with Nikki. And if she did, I knew she was going to be pissed.

As these thoughts ran through my head, my music began to play and I tried to clear my mind. I needed a level head if I was going to retain against the poster boy himself John Cena. I began to make my way down the stairs and to the ring, when I suddenly began to pass the private rooms which often held our most valued viewers. As I was walking past the last one, I suddenly froze at what I saw.

Violet was fully making out with Andrade without a care in the world. Her hands were all over him and his hands were touching everywhere they could. This is fucking why Violet hadn't contacted me. She was to busy with her side toy. But this still didn't add up.

If she was doing a segment on the paperview, she would've told me right? I mean she knew how much I had wanted her to see my match. Fuck, that definitely means she saw my segment with Nikki. Suddenly Violet glanced over at me and our eyes met. She suddenly smirked and slid her hand into Andrade's pants while looking directly at me.

I could feel my anger building inside in me, I wanted to Superman punch through the glass and grab my girl then beat Andrade within an inch of his life. What the hell was going on here. Even if Violet had saw my segment with Nikki, I understand she would be pissed but she would also know we didn't have sex. Wait, actually she wouldn't. Fuck, she would've just heard us moaning.

I wanted nothing more than to yell I didn't have sex with Nikki through the glass so Violet would know the truth but I couldn't. I mentally sighed then snapped myself out of my frozen state and continued making my way to the ring. To say I was pissed would be an understatement, poster boy was about to get demolished thanks to what I just saw. I just wanted to get this fucking match over with and explain to Violet what really happened.

I knew she would be pissed but I didn't want to lose her. Hell I'd even forgive her for what I just saw because I knew she was acting on emotions and emotions can drive a person to do crazy things. I instead may just kick Andrade's ass though.

I stepped into the ring where Cena was already waiting. Once the bell rang, I immediately channeled my rage and just let go. Usually my wrestling style was very calculated but not this time. I was leaning towards full powerhouse. I delivered punch after punch till Cena was down on the ground. Then picked him up and tossed him across the ring like a rag doll. At this point I wasn't wrestling Cena, all I could see was Andrade's smug face as he felt up my girl. As soon as Cena was up, I delivered a Superman punch then followed it up with a spear. I could've easily ended the match there and I probably should have but all I could see was red.

I slid out of the ring and grabbed a chair, I didn't care if I got disqualified I was the champion and would still retain. The referee tried to stop me but I pushed him out of the way then began to beat Cena mercilessly with the chair with a smirk on my face. He was the one who fucking pitched the idea of me doing this segment with Nikki because he was pissed Nikki was interested in me after their break up. He was the reason my girl was now pissed off at me and getting attention from another men.

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