Games and Drinks

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Violet's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and stretched out, the moment I tried to stretch my legs I was hit with instant soreness like nothing I had ever experienced before causing me to groan in discomfort. Roman however chuckled at me groaning as if he was amused.

"Good morning, Vi'. Sore are we?" Roman teased but began to massage my inner thighs for me which hurt but was beginning to relieve some of the tension.

"Were you just staring at me sleeping? You weirdo." I said with a playful smile as I relaxed as Roman took care of me. As he should considering I was only sore because of him.

"I may have been enjoying the view." He admitted as he kissed my forehead then got up.

"Hey where are you going?!" I asked as I had been quite comfortable laying against his chest as he massaged me.

"To get your ass an ibuprofen so I don't have to hear you complain that you're sore all day." He replied grabbing a bottle of ibuprofen and walked back over to me.

"I'm not even that sore. Stop building your ego." I mumbled even though I was definitely aching. He playfully rolled his eyes and handed me an ibuprofen.

"Another one please." I said looking at him and he chuckled.

"Thought you weren't even that sore." He teased.

"Want to hear me complain all day because I'll start now?" I said raising an eyebrow and he immediately gave me another ibuprofen along with a water bottle. I took the two pills then took a big gulp of water as suddenly my stomach growled.

"Hungry?" Roman asked.

"Well my stomach doesn't growl for fun." I replied.

"Ah there's the attitude I'm used to." He said

"Don't pretend you don't love it. Now about being hungry." I said with an innocent smile.

"Seth's cooking breakfast in the kitchen, why don't  we join him and Dean?" Roman suggested.

"If there's food I'm there." I replied slowly getting out of bed mentally praying my pain medication would kick in soon. I pulled on my panties and then put on one of Roman's shirts that fit me like a dress. Roman meanwhile put on some boxers and a pair of grey sweats.

"You look hot in my shirt babygirl, I may just have to rip it off of you tonight." Roman said in a seductive tone with a smirk.

"If you so much as touch anywhere near my pussy today, I will scream till you stop." I said innocently as I really was that sore and he laughed.

"Wow I really did a number on your babygirl, don't worry we haven't anymore sex till you feel up to it." He promised then gave me a kiss which I returned. We then headed to the living room, I felt like I was practically limping but didn't want to ask Roman for help.

"Oh look who it is, the two people who were fucking like rabbits all last night." Dean said with a smirk as we entered the kitchen and I could actually feel my cheeks heat up slightly.

"Sorry man, did we keep you up?" Roman asked as he finally took pity on me limping and scooped me up, then carried me over to a chair and set me down.

"I could've made it." I mumbled.

"Well we didn't have all day for you to make it there." Seth said softly laughing as he set a plate of blueberry pancakes, bacon, eggs and potatoes in front of me." I would say I hope you're hungry, but considering we could all hear you screaming last night.." He added.

"You're lucky you just made me food or else I'd kick your ass for that comment, soreness or not." I said with an innocent smile then began to dig into the food as I was starving. The boys took a seat at the table with their plates and began eating as well." This is really good Seth, thank you." I added a few moments later.

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