Chapter 24: The Dawn of Time

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I turned around to face the Lord of the Time. I uncapped Riptide, and Harry took out his wand.

Kronos just laughed, "You foolish mortals. The only reason you beat me was because of that son of Hermes. But now, I have a host who will never turn against me."

Out of anger, I lunged at him.

He simply pulled out Blackbitter and blocked my strike. Harry tried to send a spell at Kronos, but he quickly knocked Harry out.

I was about to strike again, when Athena came out of nowhere and started to fight Kronos.

They were like a blur. I could see them fighting, but it was really hard to keep up with them.

Hephaestus and Ares eventually joined in.

Kronos quickly knocked out Athena and Hephaestus by punching Hephaestus and slamming the hilt of Blackbitter into Athena's skull.

Ares sent a flurry of attacks at Kronos. But by using his Titan abilities, he blocked every single one.

After a few minutes, the God of War tried to turn his sword into an SMG, but Kronos snapped his neck.

Because Ares was a god, it wouldn't kill him, just piss him off.

Suddenly, an arrow struck Kronos in the shoulder.

I looked to see who fired it. Standing at her throne was Artemis.

Kronos pulled the arrow out and said, "That wasn't a bad shot, for a woman."

At this, Artemis' face turned red in anger. She pulled out another arrow, but before she could fire it, Apollo pulled out a sword and attacked Kronos.

Apollo tried to stab Kronos with his sword, but Kronos moved out of the way.

As they continued to fight, Artemis fired an arrow at Kronos. But instead of hitting Kronos, she hit her brother.

"Owww," he screamed.

Kronos took the opportunity, stabbing Apollo in the gut.

Apollo doubled over in pain, grunting, "Urghhh!"

Kronos smirked, "Why thank you for taking out your brother for me. Now, it's your turn."

He attacked Artemis, and before she could even pull out a weapon, she was on the ground, unconscious.

By now, I could see the Big Three standing at their thrones with their weapons in hand.

Zeus said, "You may have defeated my children, but you won't defeat me and my brothers."

My dad charged at Kronos with his trident.

Kronos tried to stab him but my father dodged out of the way.

Hades quickly slammed the end of his staff into the back of his father's head.


Zeus summoned a bolt of lighting, putting Kronos on the ground.

Zeus walked up to Kronos, "Three times you've tried to get rid of us, and three times you've failed."

Kronos spat in his face, "Idiot, you should have faded me when you had the chance. Olympus has run out of time."

Kronos' scythe appeared in his hands, and he slammed it into Zeus' face, knocking him out.

He then punched Hades as hard as he could, stunning the god. He sent the hilt of his scythe into Hades' stomach.

My dad and I were the only two people Kronos hadn't beaten yet.

I uncapped Riptide and slashed at Kronos' head.

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