Chapter 11: The Prophecy Begins Pt.3

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Percy POV:

As I walked down to Care of Magical Creatures, Nico came up to me and said, "Hey Perce, it's good to see you."

"You too Neeks."

Nico then said, "Sadly, we weren't just sent to keep an eye on you. Chiron told the gods of the new prophecy. They believe that Kronos might make another comeback."

"I know."

Nico's eyes lit up. "What do you mean? How long have you known?"

I shrugged. "I had a dream last night. Kronos and some bald guy with no nose were talking. They were in Tartarus, but I think that there's another way out. The bald guy said that Tartarus wasn't made to hold wizards."

Nico looked worried. "That bald guy Percy, he's not some wizard. That's Lord Voldemort!"

"My grandfather?"

"He's your grandfather? Voldemort's the only human that was sentenced to an eternity of Tartarus. He's in the deepest part of the pit."

Nico looked even more worried.

"Nico! What is it?"

Nico replied, "There's an opening in Tartarus. Other than the Doors of Death. For mortals."

I was shocked. "What!"

"If the Doors of Death were ever destroyed, there would be another opening. In case any mortals were trapped in Tartarus. However, we took a sample of Voldemort's blood before we sent him there. So, he couldn't escape. But if he and Kronos are working together, then they could fool it."

"Why would Hades do that?"

Nico shook his head. "It wasn't Hades idea. Hecate forced him to do it. She had to much confidence in her kind."

We had arrived at Care of Magical Creatures just in time.

From what I could tell, Hagrid had just started to talk about hydras. All the demigods (other than me of course) paled when they saw Hagrid.

I whispered, "Hagrid's a friendly giant."

They nodded their heads understanding.

Hagrid was saying, "Hydras are very misunderstood creatures. They're  thought of being the one of the most deadly monsters in Greek Mythology. However, they don't attack unless they feel threatened. Now, who can tell me how many heads a hydra is born with?"

I raised by hand, and so did Harry. Hagrid called on Harry.

Harry said, cockily if I might add, "Nine."

Hagrid then asked Harry, "How do you defeat the hydra if they feel threatened?"

Harry smiled, and then said, "You can't, for every head you cut off, two more grow back."

I snorted at his answer.

Harry's face grew red. "Shut up, Jackson! Or should I say V.G."

I smirked and said, "There are two ways," I held up two fingers, "Since the hydra is made of flesh, Medusa's head could turn it into stone. That's the least messy, but also the hardest, as you would have to kill Medusa first. The other way is burning the hydra's nine heads."

Hagrid clapped, "Correct! Percy, how did you know that?"

I shrugged, "My summer camp, we learn about Greek Mythology. Plus, my dad's Greek."

Most of the students just shrugged, while Harry looked at me with hatred.

I gave him a glare. He paled, and walked away.

Hagrid continued with the lesson. I stopped paying attention(Curse you ADHD!) since Hagrid was explaining the origins of the hydra.

I started to think about Kronos and Voldemort. Kronos was already hard enough to defeat. That took four years of my life. And it took the wizards seven years to defeat Voldemort. But, if the gods and wizards joined forces, then we could beat them without it taking forever.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a loud noise. Everyone was panicking. 

It was Kelli, and she had a sword and wands weren't working.

She said, "Give me Perseus Jackson and no one will get hurt."

Harry stepped up and said, "My name is Harry Potter. I will gladly give Percy Jackson to you. Then you can do whatever you want to him."

I stepped forward. "Shut the fuck up, Harry!" I turned to Kelli and said, "I'll come quietly. Just don't hurt them."

Kelli smirked, "This is a first! The Hero of Olympus surrendering to me. And no one here wants him either!"

I walked quietly toward Kelli before I disarmed her, not using Riptide(that would cause to many questions), and stabbed her in the gut. She and the sword turned to golden dust.

Hagrid took the class inside, and we were told to wait in the Common Room.

I gathered the seven and said, "The Prophecy has already begun."

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