Chapter 18: Boot Camp, Week 1

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"Yeah right."

I turned to see where the voice came from. And it was from none other that Harry.

He said, "1. We defeated Voldemort by ourselves. So we'll defeat him and his new ally. 2. The Greek gods are just myths."

I opened my mouth to speak, but Piper cut me off, "The Greek Gods are real. I'm a Greek Goddess."

Harry looked at her and said, "Prove it."

Piper just smirked as she grew to her godly height.

All the students' jaws dropped. 

Harry looked like he was about to say something, but Ron pulled him down.

After that was over, I continued, "To correct your first statement Harry, you won't be able to defeat Voldemort's ally without us. Voldemort's ally is Kronos, Titan of Time, and Father of the Gods of Olympus."

This caused more whispers throughout the crowd.

A Gryffindor, who I recognized as Seamus, stood up and said, "I remember my mum telling me about Greek Mythology. And one of the things she told me was that Kronos was even more powerful than the gods. So even with your help, how are we supposed to defeat him? He's had plenty of time to plan his revenge."

Nico responded, "That's a good question. But we can defeat him. Many of you heard that about a year and a half ago, there were some weird things happening in New York. We demigods were tasked to defend Olympus, which is on the 600th floor of the Empire State Building, while the gods fought Typhon. Percy was our leader. He was the one who fought Kronos, and the one who defeated him."

Nico looked at me and said, "Re-introduce yourself, Percy."

I sighed, " I am Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon. Retriever of Zeus' Master Bolt, Sailor of the Sea of Monsters, Retriever of the Golden Fleece, Bearer of the Sky, Savior of Artemis, Wanderer of the Labyrinth, former bearer of the Curse of Achilles. Subject of three Great Prophecies, one of the Seven, Retriever of the 12th Legion's Eagle, former Praetor of New Rome, Survivor of Tartarus and the Second Giant and Titan wars. I have defeated most of the Greek/Roman monsters at least once. Slayer of Kronos and defeater of Gaea. I fought in the Battle of the Labyrinth, Battle of Manhattan, Battle of Alaska, the Battle against Gaea, and countless smaller ones. I am the leader of numerous quests, the Second Titan war, the former boyfriend of Annabeth Chase, two-time Savior of Olympus, and champion of the Gods of Olympus."

All the jaws in the room dropped, except for Nico and Hermione. Frank spoke in my head, so only the demigods heard it, "Damn Percy. I only knew about half of that."

Leo burst out laughing, which caused the students to stare at him.

After he pulled it together, I announced, "To prepare you for this war, I thought that it would be best to host a boot camp. You all must attend, as this can and will save your lives. You may all go back to your dorms now."

Jason then said, "Well Percy, we can't stay any longer. We were tasked to return to Olympus once they were all informed of the war."

I nodded, understanding that they also have their own godly business to attend to.

Once they were all gone, I gave Dumbledore a list of things that I needed. He nodded and said that he would contact Chiron.

I thanked him and went back to my dorm. However, as soon as I entered the common room, I was met with cheers and clapping.

Confused, I asked, "What did I do? Is there something on me?"

Hermione face-palmed and said, "No, they're sorry about everything that they've done to you. They want to celebrate what you've done."

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