Chapter 12: Someone Gets Suspicious

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Hermione POV:

After the "event", we were sent back to our common rooms.

Sadly, all of today's classes were canceled. I tried to take a nap, like some of the other students. However, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier today. Not that I was scared or anything(I've been in scarier situations before), but I was thinking about what Kelly had said.

Hero of Olympus? What does that mean?

Too bad I could finish my thoughts.

"Knock knock," Piper interrupted.

I smiled, not showing any of my confusing. I responded, "Hi."

"We were planning to get together in the common room. Wanna come?"

I nodded my head.

"Great! Let's go down."

I slowly got up from my bed, and we headed downstairs.

Percy, Jason, and Nico were in a deep conversation as Calypso, and Hazel came from their respective common rooms.

Percy was saying, "We know that the prophecy is about me and Harry. I'm the son of the Sea, and Harry is the Chosen One. The 'Chosen One will begin to trust' is a little tricky. What does it mean by 'trust'."

Jason then said, "But what does the next line mean? 'The Savior will become more'."

Piper then cleared her throat. Clearly telling them that I'm here.

Percy looked at me and said, "I wanted you to get to know my friends a little more. Along with myself. Even though we've been friends for about 2 weeks, I don't know a lot about Hermione Granger, and you don't know too much about The Great Perseus Jackson!"

I thought that last part was a joke. But when everyone just nodded at the "Great Perseus Jackson" part, I added that to my list of things that are a little mysterious.

I decided to continue the conversation, and I said, "Well, I was born in the year 2000(this takes place in the 2018-19 school year because that was when I started the story, and the Golden Trio is 1 year older than Percy). I'm a muggle-born, which means that both my parents are normal humans. I've been the top of my class since my first day at Hogwarts."

Percy then said, "Well... that was a handful. My name is Perseus Jackson, but I go by Percy. I have ADHD and dyslexia. I was born on August 18, 2001. I was raised by my amazing mom. I've been kicked out six schools. I've blown up two schools. I accidentally hit fired a war cannon at a school bus during a field trip. I also accidentally hit the wrong lever while on a field trip to Sea World, and my class and I took an unexpected swim with some sharks."

By the end, Percy's friends were laughing while my mouth gaped open. "I don't know anyone who's been kicked out of one school let alone six."

Percy shrugged and said, "You should hear about Annabeth. Her family was constantly getting attacked, and her stepmom blamed her for everything. Just because she didn't give birth to her."

Jason put a hand on Percy's shoulder, as Percy's eyes started to form tears.

He said, "It's okay Percy. She's in Elysium now."

I wondered how he knew that, and it's not like the Underworld even exists. But the Deathly Hallows were real, so who knows, Death may be real too. But the Death part could have been made up. I could have just been a dark wizard saying he is Death.

At this time, we were told to leave our common rooms because it was time for lunch.

I decided to grab some food, before heading to the library. Something didn't seem to add up with Percy and his friends. I was going to do some research on Greek Mythology.

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