Chapter 3: Dragon Alley Pt. 1

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Harry POV:

"Percy," Mrs. Weasley called, "Dinner's ready."

After a few minutes, he walked down the stairs. You could tell that he shaved his beard and trimmed his untamed jet black hair. Hermione's face turned scarlet, while Ginny looked away, blushing heavily. I walked up to him and said, "Percy, I'm sorry for insulting you mother. I just couldn't look past the fact of who you're grandfather is."

He paused, as if he was thinking what to say, before replying, "Apology accepted."

I stuck out my hand for a shake, which he happily accepted.

Mrs. Weasley came out with the food, and set it on the table. Percy got up, and offered her help. "No Percy dear. You are the guest."

He turned around to go back to his seat, knowing that Mrs. Weasley would continue to protest.

I grabbed some chicken, and turned to see both Ron and Percy eating like pigs. "So Percy, how was life in America?"

"Iwt wghts gtreat."

Hermione looked disgusted, and said, "Answer after you chew your food."

Percy gulped down his food, and continued. "It was great. I went to a summer camp and a lot of friends. School on the other hand, was the worst. The teachers hated me because I have ADHD-"

"What's that?" Ron said.

"It means that he's really hyper and can't pay attention a lot." Hermione explained.

"-and dyslexia. Which means I can't read anything, but for me, Ancient Greek. Also, I've done a lot of bad things. I've blown up a couple schools."

Hermione's mouth gaped open. Percy said, "Now Hermione, you wouldn't want to catch flies now would you?"

She closed her mouth, and said, "A couple?!"

"I mean, you could always Google me."

"What's Google?" Ron asked.

Percy's mouth gaped like a fish. After he got over his shock, he replied, "It's a place on the internet."

"What's the internet?"

Percy face palmed.

"Don't worry about it Ron." I said.

He still looked really confused. However Mrs. Weasley spoke up. "Now dears, eat up and get a good sleep tonight. We are going to Diagon Alley tomorrow."

Percy asked, "Dragon Alley?"

"Diagon Alley. It's a place where we buy stuff for the school year." Mrs. Weasley explained.

"Oh, it's a wizard mall."

"It's similar, yes." Hermione said.

"I don't like malls. I once blew one up by accident."

"How many things have you blown up?"

"I don't know. Did you hear about Mt. St. Helens erupting?"

"Yeah. Aunt Petunia was watching the news once. And it was talking about the eruption." I said.

"That was me."

We finished our dinner, and went to bed in silence.

I saw Percy ask a question to Mrs. Weasley, and put a spell on his bed. "What was that about?" I asked.

"I have PTSD. I asked her to put a silencing spell on my bed, so I don't wake you guys up. Good night!"

"Good night." I replied.

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