Chapter 17: The War Begins Pt. 3

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I was on the ground. Everything around me became blurry, but I could tell that people were beginning to surround me.

They were probably speaking, but I didn't know what they were talking about. I couldn't hear. My mouth tasted like it was burnt.

I tried to get up, but pain shot through my body.

Then, I felt nothing.

My vision began to focus, and I started to hear sounds of murmuring.

"Is he dead?"

"He has to be."

"Get Professor Dumbledore, and Madam Pomfrey too!"

Pins and needles then shot through my body before they subsided.

I groaned.

Everyone gasped as if I had just come back from the dead.

I started to get up, but it wasn't easy. It was like my arms and legs fell asleep.

After a few seconds, I was fully on my feet. I tried to take a step before I collapsed to the ground.

Luckily, Jason caught me, "Hold on there."

As he guided me to the nearest bench, I saw Nico yelling at Harry.

"What was that! You almost killed him! You're lucky I'm not his father. If I was, you would be long dead!"

Harry looked shaken by Nico's rage. "He's Voldemort's Grandson! Who cares if he dies. At least he wouldn't be able to murder anyone. And how did he survive anyway? That's my thing."

I slowly got up and walked over to Nico and Harry. "I don't know how I survived either. But Voldemort is back."

Harry scoffed, "Yeah right. If he's alive, then you didn't kill your girlfriend!"

At that moment, Nico punched him in the face. "You don't even want to imagine what Percy has been through. What he's done for Annabeth. What he's done for all of us. If I were you, I would shut up."

Harry tried to say something, but the words wouldn't come out.

Nico and I then began to walk back into the castle.

Time Skip

1 day later

Today is the first game for a wizard sport called Quidditch between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

We made our way to the arena, which was a lengthy walk from the castle. Hermione and I made our way to our seats, which was in the second row. As we were waiting for the game to start, Hermione explained the rules to me.

"It's basically a mix of American football and soccer. You have to score into goals, and each goal is ten points, but there can be knocking players of their brooms like football. Instead of one ball, in Quidditch, there are three balls. The Quaffle is the main ball, which is used to score. The Bludger is used to knock players off their brooms. And finally, their is the Golden Snitch. Each team has one Seeker, whose job is to catch the Snitch. It flies around the field at very high speeds. The team that catches the Snitch receives one hundred and fifty points, and the game ends."

As soon as she was done explaining Quidditch to me, the game began.

The field was immersed with streaks of red and yellow. Thanks to my blessing from Hermes, I was able to watch everything with ease. As I was watching, I noticed that Harry was playing.

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