Chapter 6: The Sorting Hat

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Percy POV:

"No way in Hades am I changing into a robe," I complained.

"You have too, Percy. It's a rule," Hermione reasoned.

"No!" I crossed my arms like a baby and huffed.

"How about this? You wear your robe tonight, and then you can speak to Dumbledore about it."

"Fine." I said giving in.

I went to the bathroom and changed into my robes. After I got back to the compartment, I sat down and saw a huge castle. Annabeth would have loved this, I said to myself. We slowly came to a stop before leaving the train. I immediately saw a giant outside waiting for us. My hand flung to my pocket, my fingers holding Riptide in pen form. He looked over at us and said, "Ah Harry, Ron, and Hermione, it's good to see you back!"

"You too, Hagrid," they chorused.

The trio ran over to him and hugged him. I started to relax as he seemed like a friendly giant. He then noticed me and asked, "You're the new 7th year I suppose. 'Name's Hagrid."


He looked at me for a second before replying, "Follow me Percy."

I followed him, along with a bunch of eleven year olds to a lake. He turned around and said, "First years, group up and get on a boat. Percy, you'll be with me." The 'first years' grouped together, while I stayed with Hagrid. There were some waves in the lake, but they instantly stopped when I stepped on the boat.

After everyone got on the boats, they took off by themselves. I wasn't doing anything. I screamed, "Holy Hera, what's happening!"

Hagrid looked at me and said, "Magic." (AN: Pun intended)

I relaxed a little since this is my element. However, I still kept my guard up in case something happened. That's how we demigods live. If we even relax a little too much, we're dead. Especially a son of Poseidon like me.

The boat ride ended after a couple minutes. Hagrid showed us into the castle and up a few steps before we ran into an old lady with glasses, and a witch hat. Totally not creepy at all! She spoke, "Welcome first years. I am Professor McGonagall. When you step through those doors, you will be sorted into a house. The houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Gryffindor is for the brave. Ravenclaw for the intelligent. Hufflepuff for the loyal. And Slytherin for the cunning. The Sorting Hat will decide your house by looking through your memories. Is that clear?"

"Yes ma'am," we said in unison.

She opened the door into a great hall (AN: Another pun. I'm on a roll!) where the other students were waiting for us. When I walked in, all the girls blushed and looked away. And the boys looked a little jealous, I think. Brits are weird.

Professor McGonagall led us to a stool with a hat on it. It started to sing a song, but my ADHD acted up, so I zoned out for the whole thing. Eventually, she started to call names for sorting. After all the eleven year olds were done, she called "Percy Jackson."

I walked up to the stool, and sat down. Professor McGonagall placed the hat on my head.

A demigod. It's been a long time since I've sorted one of your kind, the hat said in my head, I'm going to look through your memories.

Before I could even say anything, I saw flashes of everything leading up to and the titan war. 

You're the Perseus Jackson! For once I don't know where to put you. You're more loyal than any Hufflepuff, braver than and Gryffindor, a genius in the battlefield, and more cunning than Salazar Slytherin himself! I'm going to need to go deeper.

Suddenly, I saw everything with the seven. Tartarus, and Annabeth dying.

"AHHHHHH!," the hat screamed out loud. "Get me off his head. Gryffindor! Please! How are you not insane?!" Then, it caught on fire, and just as fast, went out.

Professor McGonagall quickly picked up the hat, and all the students were gaping at me. I walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down. Dumbledore then stood up and announced, "Welcome back students. Due to the war last year, you will be repeating last year's courses."

He went over the rules and stuff before we ate dinner, and went to our common rooms. Whatever that is.

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