Chapter 20: Boot Camp, Week 3

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I was back in that room with the long table. However, there were only two people at the table this time.

Voldemort and a Death Eater with long platinum blonde hair.

As I got closer to them, I noticed that Voldemort's eyes weren't his normal color. They were gold.

But before I could react, my dream faded into darkness.

Dream End

I woke up in a cold sweat at about 3 A.M., with the image of Voldemort and his gold eyes stuck in my head.

Going as fast as I could, I put on some clothes, and chugged down a bottle of water. (It keeps me energized after vapor traveling.)

I then vapor traveled to Olympus.

I made my way to the Throne Room, and was happy to see that Hestia was tending to the hearth.

When she noticed me, she smiled and said, "Welcome Percy. What brings you to Olympus?"

I explained my dream to her and said, "This is something I think Zeus would want to hear."

Hestia nodded. She then sat on her throne and clapped her hands together.

Within a few seconds, all the Olympians had flashed into the Throne Room.

None of the gods, but Hestia, knew that I was in the room. And even if they did, they didn't acknowledge it.

Zeus looked at Hestia and said, "Hestia, why have you called this meeting."

Hestia responded, "Perseus Jackson has troubling news."

Zeus acknowledged me and asked, "What is this news, demigod?"

I bowed and said, "I had a dream earlier tonight. This dream showed me Kronos, in Voldemort's body."

The Olympians began to talk among themselves.

Athena interjected, "If what Perseus is saying is true, then Kronos is much more powerful then when he took Luke Castellan as his host. He will be able to use Voldemort's magic with his control over time."

Zeus asked, "Then how are we supposed to defeat him?"

Hades spoke up, "Voldemort and Kronos never made it to the River Styx, so Voldemort would be easy to kill, if we could get close enough."

My father turned to me and said, "Percy, we will decide what to do, but in the mean time, go back to Hogwarts. The wizards still need you to teach them how to fight with weapons."

I nodded and vapor traveled back to my room.

I chugged down another bottle of water, and went back to sleep.

Luckily for me, I had no more dreams. But after what felt like a couple minutes, Hermione shook me awake.

"Ughh," I grunted.

"Come on, Percy. Boot Camp starts is 15 minutes."

My eyes widened. I grabbed Riptide and went down to quickly grab some breakfast. And yes, I'm wearing clothes. I didn't bother to get out of the clothes I wore when I went to Olympus.

I gulped down some bacon and eggs, before sprinting to the Forbidden Forest.

Over the past two weeks, I've upgraded the clearing that we've been training in.

Now it has a full archery range, practice dummies, and armory.

When all the wizards arrived, I told them to put their armor on, and grab their weapons. At the end of last week, I taught them the proper way to put on armor, and I also helped them find their weapons.

What's the wizard saying? "The wand chooses the wizard." Well, "the weapon chooses the warrior."

After they were all ready, I split them up by weapon. I took the wizards who will use a sword, Reyna took the wizards with the daggers, and Thalia with the bows and arrows.

Thalia took her group to the archery range, while Reyna and I went to the practice dummies.

I taught the wizards the basic stance and moves. Which some where doing surprisingly well. Not as good as the beginners at camp, but still not bad. Maybe there's some hope after all.

Some of the stand outs where Neville Longbottom, Seamus, Ron, and Harry.

Once everybody got the basic moves down, I moved on to disarming techniques. I started with the one that Luke taught me during my first class at camp.

That's when Harry started to act like, well, Harry. He said, "You told us how to do all the moves, but still haven't even showed us how good you are in battle. I'm probably better than you."

I raised an eyebrow. I asked, "Are you challenging me to a duel, Harry?"

Harry, being as cocky as ever said, "Why yes I am."

I just said, "I accept."

I got Reyna to start the duel.

She announced, "No magic allowed. Only swords can be used. You can maim, but no killing. If you are disarmed, you lose. Or if a sword is pointed at your neck."

Harry and I nodded, accepting the rules.

Reyna then said, "GO!"

If Harry was smart, he would hang back, and look for a weakness to exploit.

But Harry is as smart as Ares.

He charged.

But before he could react, I used the maneuver Luke had taught me all those years ago.


Harry's sword rattled against the ground.

"And that's how that move can be used in battle," I smirked.

Time Skip to the End of the Week

This week was very productive. Every wizard had learned the skills that would be needed to survive in a fight against monsters. And yes, that includes Harry.

We were at dinner when Dumbledore rose from his seat. He said, "I would like to congratulate all of you on the incredible progress you have made over the past three weeks. I would also like to thank Miss Thalia and Miss Ramírez-Arellano for their he-."

Suddenly, Artemis flashed into the room. She warned, "Kronos is here! He is about to cross the Great Lake! And he's brought an army."

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