Chapter 13: My Return to Camp Half-Blood Pt.1

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2 months later

Percy POV:

It's been two months since Hermione asked me if I was a demigod. I know that your thinking something along the lines of, "Did you tell her? What was her reaction? etc."

Well sorry to break it to you, but I didn't tell her anything.


"Percy, are you a demigod?"

I paled even more, to the point that I was as pale as Nico. I gave her my best "totally not nervous" laugh, and said, "What! No!"

Hermione squinted at me, as if she was saying a silent "Uh huh."

I quickly said, "Why would I of all people be a demigod?"

"Because you-I just told you this!"

Hermione face palmed. Then she started to tear up. She said, "I don't know what to do, Percy. For the first time since I arrived at Hogwarts, I don't know what to do. I can't explain what happened yesterday, and how you weren't affected when Ron tried to stun you. And I can't explain the earthquake, or how the water rose to heal you. You being a demigod was the only reasonable explanation. Now I know that I'm crazy."

I didn't know how to react. Here was the person who accepted me after my darkest days. Even though she didn't know it, she had helped me heal. And now she was asking me if I'm a demigod. I made up my mind. I said, "Hermione, you're not crazy. It was a good idea."

And at that, I left the room.

Flashback End

I know that I should have told her, but then she and I would have to answer to Zeus. And he's still mad at me because I refused godhood twice.

Anyway, tomorrow we head back to camp because of winter break. I'm excited to go back and see my mom. I only had a few minutes with her, before I came here, and I didn't even get to see Paul.

I was just about to finish packing my bag, when Jason said, "Yo Percy, it's time to go to Hogsmeade."

I said, "Thanks," before I went down to The Great Hall. This was our first visit of the year, so we had to meet in there to go over the rules.

Professor McGonagall was explaining, "As the eldest in the school, I expect you all to behave accordingly. And please help our new students if they ask for it. That will be all."

After she finished going over the rules, we left the castle and went to Hogsmeade.

Once we arrived Hermione showed me around, and took me to bar to get Butterbeer. At first I thought that it was disgusting, I mean, who drinks butter-flavored beer. Eventually, I grew to like it. It would be better if it was blue though.

I ordered for us, "Can we get two butterbeers please."

Hermione then asked me, "What are you doing for the winter holidays?"

"I'm going to go see my mom, and then go visit my summer camp."

Looking confused on why I would go to my summer camp in winter, I added, "They have parties during the school year. So I'm going to their Christmas party."

She wondered, "Isn't the drinking age 21 in America, so what do you mean then?"

I responded, "In America, you see, we have something called Root beer and mocktails."

She looked at me weird and said, "That sounds disgusting."

The waiter then came with our drinks. After taking a couple sips of her butterbeer, Hermione said, "Percy, I knew you were lying to me when I asked you if you were a demigod two months ago. So tell me the truth."

Percy Jackson: Voldemort's GrandsonWhere stories live. Discover now