Chapter 16: The War Begins Pt. 2

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Hermione POV:

I didn't believe it. "Another war!?"

Percy nodded. "Yep. But if it makes you feel better, this is my third war."

I couldn't do anything except gasp, "A third war?"

He nodded again, "First one was against Kronos, Titan Lord of Time. Then a few days after we won, Hera stole my memories, put me to sleep for 8 or so months, and sent me to the Roman camp. Then I fought in the war against Gaea, Primordial Goddess of the Earth."

"And I thought that I've been through hell."

"Luckily, you haven't. Because I've been to hell and back, literally."

I paused for a second, "Well, if this war is based off of Kronos' revenge against you, and Voldemort's revenge against Harry, shouldn't we warn him?"

I nodded, "I tried during dinner, after Dumbledore told us about Azkaban. But he didn't listen."

I paused again. "What if I tried? He would listen to me."

"I guess it's worth a try. But promise me that you won't tell him about who or what I am."

"I promise."

I left the library feeling both scared and accomplished. I am feeling accomplished because I was right about Percy being a demigod. However, I am scared because I now know that there is a new war.

When I arrived to the dormitories, I realized that Harry and Ron would be sleeping so tomorrow would be the best time to warn them. I got ready for bed, and went to sleep.

Time Skip

I woke up the following morning quite cheerful, until I remembered about the war and my task. I brushed my teeth, put on my robes, and went to the Great Hall for breakfast.

Harry and Ron were already there when I had arrived. I sat down right next to Harry. He looked at me and said, "You've finally realized that Percy Jackson is just like his grandfather. He's a murderer."

I shook my head. "That's where you're wrong. Percy Jackson is the most caring and loyal person you'll ever meet. I'm here to warn you. Voldemort is back. He caused the breakout at Azkaban. Just like he did in our third year."

"Voldemort is dead! You saw with your own eyes. Percy Jackson's a liar. He said the same thing to me last night."

"Harry, he's even stronger. You won't be able to stop him if you don't trust Percy. You two have to work together. You can't defeat him by yourself."

Harry face reddened. "I'm the Chosen One! I don't need help from him! And I'll prove it! I'm going to duel him. And after I defeat him, you will finally understand."

My eyes widened, "What! Harry, don't do this!"

I looked at me with anger, "No Hermione, I didn't do anything at all. It's all Percy Jackson."

I opened my mouth to say something, but by then, Harry was gone.

I got up from my seat and went over to where Percy was sitting. He was talking to Jason, but when he saw me, they both stopped.

Percy asked, "How'd it go?"

"Terrible. Harry wants to duel you now."

Jason put his hand on Percy's shoulder, "Well that's Harry's mistake. He wants to duel the two-time Savior of Olympus and Champion of the Gods. Good luck trying to beat Percy."

At that moment Harry appeared at the front of the Great Hall. He looked at Percy and yelled so everyone could hear him. "Percy Jackson! I Harry Potter, The Chosen One, challenge you, Voldemort's grandson, to a duel."

The Hall was filled with gasps.

He continued, "In the courtyard. Now!"

Everyone quickly rose from their seats and made their way to the courtyard.

Percy POV:

You could tell that the everyone wanted me to lose and Harry to win. But, I'm going to show that cocky "hero" up. He deserves it. He needs to learn that he isn't the best. He isn't a hero.

I got up from my seat with a smirk on my face. I made my way through the crowd, and arrived in the courtyard. There was already a huge number of students waiting. They were chanting, "Harry!"

Harry noticed that I had arrived and pulled out his wand. I did the same.

Ron said, "The duel starts now!"

Everyone cheered as Harry and I circled each other.

Harry gave me a glare and said, "You're going down, Jackson. I'm finally going to prove that you are just like Voldemort. And just like him, I will defeat you!"

I gave him a smirk. Harry screamed, "Expelliarmus!"

I side-stepped as the spell hit the wall behind me. The crowd gasped.

Harry, out of rage screamed , "Aguamenti!"

His mistake.

I stuck my hand up as I felt a familiar tug in my gut. The water immediately froze in place. I then pushed the water back at Harry.

He screamed, "Protego!"

The water hit the barrier, but it did not touch Harry. I then commanded the water to evaporate.

Harry looked at me and said, "You thought that would work! Ha! You are just as stupid as Voldemort."

As he was boasting, I summoned some water, and it struck Harry in the back.

He was on the ground soaking wet. I glared at him, "You're no hero. A hero would not boast and be as cocky as you. You're just one lucky son of a bitch."

As I was turning around, I heard a scream. "Avada Kedavra!"

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