Chapter 7: My First Day, Yay!(Sarcasm) Pt. 1

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We exited the hall, and were lead upstairs to a portrait of a lady who's really fat.


Harry responded, "Athena's Blue Owl."

I really wanted to laugh, before the 'Blue Owl' hit me. It reminded me of Annabeth. I held myself together, and walked in to a big room.

"Welcome to the Gryffindor Common Room!" Neville said, "Boys bunks are on the left, while girls on the right."

Harry looked at me and said, "Why don't you go see Hermione at her bunk. She'll tell you where to put your stuff."

"Okay." I went up the girls stairway. Halfway to the top, the stairs turned into a slide. I clung to the walls like that spider thing in some ninja competition show I saw. Behind me, I heard laughs. It was Ron and Harry. After I got back down, I asked, "What's so funny?"

"There's a spell to keep the opposite gender from entering the other genders' bunks."

I gave them and "Oh."

I went to the boys bunks and put my stuff on a random bed. Then, I went to the bathroom to change into my Nemo PJ's.

Harry POV:

Once Percy went into the bathroom to change into pajamas, I went over to Ron's bed and whispered, "There is something weird about him, but I can't place my tongue on it."

Ron looked up and said, "He's American, being weird is in their nature."

"It's not that type of weird. It's like he's hiding something."

"But Hermione trust him, and she's the brightest student in Hogwarts."

Percy came out of the bathroom in fish pajamas. Puzzled, I asked, "Percy, why are you wearing fish pajamas?"

He faked some offense and said, "It's not just a fish, it's Nemo."

Ron asked, "Who's Nemo?"

Percy looked startled, and then said, "Who's Nemo?! The only the coolest fish ever! Man, you Brits are weird!"

Ron looked mad at that point. Not only was Percy making him look stupid, but insulted him as well. He said, "We're the weird ones? At least I'm not Voldemort's grandson! Hell, you probably killed your girlfriend!"

Percy's eyes filled with rage. Then, the room started to shake. Things started to fall of shelves, and the windows started to break. Ron screamed, "What the bloody hell?!"

After long minute, the earthquake stopped. Percy then walked away, unfazed about what had just happened, and left the Gryffindor common room.

A suspicious thought hit me. What if Percy had caused the earthquake?

I decided to ask Hermione about it tomorrow morning. I got ready for and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Time Skip

I woke up around 7:00 a.m. Percy wasn't in his bed, but I didn't care. I got dressed, and headed downstairs for breakfast

After I left the Gryffindor common room, I saw that Hermione was in the hallway crying. I went up to her and asked , "What's wrong Hermione?"

She looked up at me with blood red eyes, probably from crying, and a look of hatred.

"Don't you say 'What's wrong Hermione' me! Professor McGonagall told me that Percy had gone to Dumbledore because of you!" She spat. "I thought that you had gotten past his heritage. But this is that one rare occasion that I'm wrong."

Hermione then huffed at me and walked away. "Hermione," I pleaded, "I'm sorry."

I continued to make my way to breakfast when I passed Professor McGonagall. She said, "Potter, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office. Now."

I nodded, and went to see Professor Dumbledore.

Percy POV:

After I told Dumbledore about what happened, I found a room called the Room of Requirement. It had more weapons and dummy's then I could count. The best part was that every time I cut something off, it would just reattach to the dummy. A demigod's dream!

I practiced some sword techniques before deciding to try out some of my new powers. Zeus gave me the ability to fly, so why not try it out? There was a statue that was about 10 ft high. It was a good starting height. High enough to start flying, but in case something happened, I wouldn't get hurt. I jumped off, and thought about flying. I looked down, and I was flying!

Next, was my fire abilities.

After a while, I had tried every single new power I was given, and I was starving! I shadow traveled to by bed, and quickly change. I headed down and saw Hermione. She saw my expression and asked, "What's wrong Percy?"

I said, "Ask McGonagall. She'll tell you."

I made my way to The Great Hall, and sat down at the Gryffindor table. Thank the gods that Harry and Ron weren't here yet. I grabbed some food, and stuffed it in my mouth. After I ate, I got my schedule, but I couldn't read it. I went up to Dumbledore and asked him, "Excuse me sir, I have dyslexia which means that I can't read my schedule. Can you translate it into Ancient Greek please? It's the only language that I can read."

"Of course."

Dumbledore did some spell, and before I knew it, I could read my schedule. My first class was Potions. I went to the room, and stepped inside.

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