Chapter 40

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After seven hours of crying, drinking, and more than a few chick flicks muted in the background, Tatyana had finally fallen asleep. She didn't make it to her bedroom though. About halfway through the evening, we decided to build a tent and sleep in the living room. Since Tatyana was a couple drinks deep, I took over the entire operation while she directed me from the couch. In the end, the set up was not bad. We had a mattress topper on the floor with a couple layers of blankets to make it even more comfortable. Lined up along the edge of the makeshift bed were the highchairs from our dining room, giving us enough height that even if the sheets over top caved in, we would still have room to sit up. A final sheet was placed over the top of the tv to keep it including in our fort/tent. And while Tatyana searched for another movie to watch, I brought in more pillows and blankets and lined the couch cushions against the chairs to completely shield us from the outside world. Then we settled in for the long night ahead.

Now, it was sometime around 1:30 in the morning, and I had to admit I was exhausted. I shut off the tv and crawled out from under all the blankets and sheets. I turned off all the lights and made sure our door was locked. Then I set about cleaning up the kitchen, as quietly as I could, but I was not going to get any sleep knowing how much food we had gotten out for tonight. I made sure to put everything away.

By 2, I begin to yawn. Every so often I hear a soft ping coming from Tatyana's phone. I know it's Mike. They love each other, I know they do. They'll get over this fight. I sigh and walk back to the living and grab her phone, glancing over the messages. Most, if not all, are from Mike. I don't read through all of them and only briefly skim a few but I can tell he's just worried and hopes that she is safe. I go to plug her phone in then step into the bathroom to wash up and place a call on my own phone.

"Hey Ana, is Tatyana there with you, is she okay?" Mike asks nervously, like he thinks I'd be mad at him.

"She's here. And she is okay, Tatyana just needed to come home for a bit." I smile at myself in the mirror when I hear him let out a breath of relief.

"I'm sure she's already told you what happened.." he begins, timidly. He knows she tells me everything which is why he treads lightly with me.

"Mike, she's going to be okay. I think she's just worried." I sit on the edge of the bathtub, speaking quietly.

"Why would she worry? She has nothing to worry about, I love her so much." His voice begins to sound a bit anxious but I can't tell. It's not my place. Instead, I offer some advice.

"Tomorrow, she'll be desperately hungover," he chuckles and I go on, "even though I did make her drink water and eat something, I don't think that helped too much. So tomorrow, bring her coffee, flowers, donuts. Anything you want. But make sure you have coffee and donuts. And come here. Don't show up before noon though or she might not forgive you."

"That's a great idea. I'll even drive out of town for that donut shop she loves!" He starts getting excited.

"Yes, do that. And when you get here, just talk to her. And let her talk to you. Listen to what she has to say."

"Of course, thank you Ana," he sounds grateful and tired. It's almost three in the morning now and he probably has to work tomorrow.

"Oh and one more thing, I would like a caramel mocha Frappuccino and just a plain glazed donut would be amazing. Thanks. Then I'll get right out of y'all's way." I stand up getting ready to finish the conversation.

"Thanks. See you tomorrow," he laughs and I end the call.

I finish washing up then exit the bathroom and crawl back into our little fort and finally fall asleep next to a lightly snoring Tatyana.


"Wake up!" Tatyana shouts very close to my face and I jolt awake.

"Oh my god, what?" I sit up and rub at my face, the fort still dark and I glance around trying to figure out what time it is. It feels like I've only been asleep for a few minutes.

"It's only 7:30," Tatyana says and I groan, laying back down and pulling a pillow over my head to cover my ears. "Nooooo, come on Ana, wake up, I've figured it out."

She grabs the pillow off my head and before I can protest she thrust a small velvet box in my direction, I squint at it.

"What is that?" She grins at me and wiggles it in my face. I look at the box and then at her then back to the back. "Wait, is that what I think it is???" I sit up and grab the box then slowly open it.

"I'm going to ask Mike to marry me!" She shrieks happily, and I stare at the ring in the box, clearly ready to be placed on a man's finger. "I was thinking about it all yesterday and I even had a dream where I proposed," she rambles on while I stare at the ring, "and this whole fight yesterday and all the emotions I've been feeling recently, I just know that he's the one I want to be with. Forever." She finally sits back, her eyes still puffy from crying. And I realize, last night, the crying wasn't because she was sad or angry, well it was definitely a mixture including those emotions, but she was crying because she loves him so much and she finally realized this is the future she wants. I start to tear up.

"Oh, Ana, I am so sorry. I completely forgot, with everything you're going through, I shouldn't even be thinking about marriage and weddings." She slumps back, looking dejected. I throw my arms around her.

"This is amazing! I'm not crying because I'm upset, these are happy tears. I am so excited. OMG Tatyana this is incredible. Don't even think about me and my issues for a second. This is something you want to do and I am so happy that you've found the perfect guy." She hesitates at first, unsure if I'm really okay but then she's squeezing me back and crying again too.

"He really is great, isn't he?" She giggles and squeezes me happily, we pull back and just grin at each other. A knock on the door startles us but I hand her the ring and go to answer the door while she sits happily in the fort grinning at the ring.

When I open the door, Mike is standing in front of me, holding a bouquet of a variety of flowers and he has a drink carrier with two coffees and a box of donuts. I'm a little shocked to see him this early.

"I know you said not to come before 12 but I couldn't wait." He looks past me anxiously and notices our fort. Upon hearing his voice Tatyana pokes her head out.

"Mike?" Her voice squeaks and suddenly I can tell how nervous she is. I grab Mike's arm and direct him into the kitchen.

"Put the flowers in a vase and water while I go get her cleaned up." I wink at him and he smiles thinking I'm winking because of our talk last night, little does he know the real reason. I quickly rush back to Tatyana and pull her down the hallway to the bedrooms and push her into the bathroom. "Get yourself cleaned up real fast, I'll go get you something sexy to put on."

She laughs and I see some of the nerves fall away. She shuts me out and gets to work while I go into her room to find something sexy to wear yet something that isn't trying too hard.

A few minutes later, Tatyana comes into the bedroom and her face looks fresh, her eyes are still a little red but she looks stunning. Her excitement has added to her beauty and I love it.

"Okay here are my thoughts, it's still very early in the morning and you just woke up so here," I hand her a cute silk slip dress, a beautiful light pink that would match my skin but completes her skin tone perfectly. "That way you are sexy but in a 'I just woke up' look." I grin and hand her the outfit. After she dresses I give her a big hug.

"I love you, Ana." She smiles at me and I see fresh tears welling up. I hold onto her right then push back.

"I love you too, now give me two seconds to get out of your hair then go get your man!" We both squeak excitedly and I quickly exit the room grabbing a jacket and my purse then I enter the kitchen where Mike is still standing waiting patiently, I grab my coffee and a donut and wave before exiting the apartment and skipping happily down the stairs.

Once I leave the apartment building, I realize that I have no idea what I am going to do for the day. And of course I forgot my phone, perfect.

I step out onto the sidewalk and head into the city looking for a place to drink my coffee and eat my donut. Today is going to be a great day, I smile at everyone passing by.

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