Chapter 22

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A/N: Updated - continuation of party scene



I walk up to Callum and grab him by the color of his shirt. I lean in close to him and practically growl, "get out of my apartment right now. Or, I will not hesitate to call the police." He genuinely looks frightened for a second then he smirks.

"You invited me." His smirk grows, as he throws my own stupidity pack in my face. "What? You didn't like the music?" With this last question, I lose before I can stop myself, I punch him directly in the nose. He stumbles back grabbing his face, the room full of people gasps and I take a step back, taking a few seconds to calm myself then I turn to face everyone.

"Thank you all for coming. I am so glad Adriana and I got to share our special announcement with you, but I believe the party is over and kindly ask that you all leave. Please." I add for good measure and my co-worker and friend Dave, nods at me and begins to usher people out of my apartment.

While Dave handles everyone else, I turn back to Callum who is being helped by one of his band mates, the same one who helped him the last time I hit him. His nose seems to be broken and I notice he still has a bruise on his jaw from where I hit him last time. I smile a bit and admire my handy work for a second before grabbing both of their arms and yanking them to the front door.

"Get out. If I ever see you near my building again, I will tell my doorman to call the police officers, immediately." I threaten, feeling my need to protect Adriana take over. Callum sneers at me but his band mates seem to think wiser of it and the scurry out of my apartment quickly. Callum and I stand about a foot from each other, glaring.

"You're not fooling me." I narrow my eyes even more at him. "I know this isn't real. And I don't plan on keeping it to myself much longer." He threatens and I just roll my eyes.

"Good luck trying to prove your ridiculous idea." I say then the doorman appears and escorts Callum out of the building.

"You alright, man?" Dave asks, looking at me from the kitchen where he has begun the cleanup.

"Yeah..." I stop a moment to calm down then join him in the kitchen taking the trash bag away from him. "Thank you for your help, I've got it from here."

"Okay, let me know if you need anything. Hell of a party." He grins at me before making a swift exit. It gets a chuckle out of me then I sigh a breath of relief and close the door, making sure to lock it. When I make my way back to the bedroom, I find Adriana packing up her things.

"Where are you going?" I ask and she jumps, not having heard me enter the room. I walk over to the bed where her suitcase is laying, half full. She had only just moved her things in earlier that week and tonight was going to be her first night staying over.

She stops folding her things and looks at me, her eyes puffy from all her crying. "I can't stay. We can't keep doing this. I heard what happened out there. Your neighbors and co-workers probably think I'm a horrible influence on you..." She trails off, looking sadly out the window before she continues folding her things.

"Adriana, it's okay. They will understand. Everyone has had a crazy ex before." I laugh lightly, trying to lighten the mood and she smiles, grateful for the attempt. "You don't have to give up." I stand up and put my hand over hers to make her stop her folding. "I know this has been hard for you, trust me, it isn't all that easy for me either." I say then instantly regret it when her eyes fill with tears again. "No, no don't cry. I didn't mean it like that. It certainly hasn't been easy but it's been fun. Hasn't it?"

She shrugs her shoulders. I sit on the bed and watch as she continues to fold her things. We remain in silence, the only noise being the ceiling fan and her bracelet jingling as she folds. I don't stop her at first then when she goes back to her dresser to get more clothing, I get up and take things out of her suitcase and go to put them away. She turns around and sees me and I think I see a small smile on her face.

"What are you doing?" I smile at her.

"Helping you unpack."

"Why? I shouldn't stay here anymore. Today was a disaster..." she trails off but I've gotten her attention and she sits down on the bed, clutching a shirt in her hand. She looks so vulnerable right now. I walk over towards her and kneel down in front of her, lifting her chin to make her look at me.

"Adriana, look at me," I see a spark in her eyes and I hold back a smile knowing she is about to sass me.

"Well, I kind of have to look at you when you're grabbing my chin, don't I?" She blurts out without even thinking which makes me chuckle. She bites her lip blushing. "Sorry.."

"Don't be. It's good to see you've still got some fight left in you. Even if it was directed at me." I let go of her chin and she smiles up at me slightly. "I don't entirely know what happened just now but I'm here if you want to talk about it.. I don't like seeing you crying."

"I'm not a fan of crying, especially in front of other people." She stands up, calmer now and wipes her face with the back of her hand. "Okay, I'm okay." She says, more to convince herself than me but I nod and take the shirt she has in her grasp. She releases it reluctantly then turns to grab more clothes out of her bag and replace them into the drawers.

It only takes a few minutes to unpack everything, once we are finished, I take her bag, look her in the eyes and place the bag on the very top shelf of the closet. She watches her mouth hanging open a little and the edges curling up into a smile. She shakes her head in disbelief and rolls her eyes.

"Wow, that's cool. Sure, okay, okay. Mhm." She rambles on and I can tell she's enjoying herself. I smile and shut the closet door.

"Do you want to go out and grab something to eat? I couldn't help noticing that you didn't eat anything at the party?" Once I mention food, her stomach makes a soft growling sound, she lets out a huff like she is upset at her stomach for betraying her.

"Yes, I guess I am hungry. Can't deny that."

"I've heard worse," I joke, winking at her before grabbing my wallet off my dresser. "I'll leave the room in case you need to do anything to get ready." She nods and smiles as a thank you so I exit and shut the door behind me. The living room is not as messy as I feared it would be, luckily my co-workers are pretty neat, my neighbors on the other hand are not as neat but mostly just left cups laying around the room.

"Did you clean up already? I didn't think I took that long." Adriana says from behind me, looking over my shoulder I take in the outfit change, a bright yellow sweater and jeans that look like something my mom would wear. Oddly, the look on her brings a smile to my face.

"Ah, no," I say, bringing myself back to looking at the living room. "Our guests were pretty clean, Dave, from my work, also helped clean up a little before he left."

"Oh, well that's nice of him."

"Yeah, he's a good guy." I offer my hand and Adriana takes it and we head out the door, and I grab my keys on the way out. 

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