Chapter 5

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A/N Updated chapter



I peer around Kurt's shoulders, taking in the room in front of me. Nothing looks to be out of order but the room is quite dark and I can't see much. I want to go check the small two bedrooms and our one bathroom but the darkness makes the apartment feel eerie. I can tell something is wrong but I really can't see anything with the lights off. I step out from behind Kurt and feel my way across the wall to where I know the light switch is, I flick on the light switch when my hand lands on it.

When the light turns on, it illuminates the small living room, showing a large figure sitting on the couch. Callum sits with his legs spread apart, leaning back on the couch clearly making himself at home. His face is sporting a nasty bruise just beginning to appear on his jaw. I freeze instantly, staring at him while he glares at me. Callum has yet to move, he remains just staring at me.

I can't seem to get myself to move but Kurt takes action almost immediately. He leaves the door open to make for an easy exit then he walks over to the couch and looks down at Callum.

"Get up." Kurt says, his voice firm and warning. He stands above Callum, still keeping himself between Callum and myself.

An amused smirk appears on Callum's face that turns even more sinister when he notices Kurt standing in front of me, protecting me. Callum turns his stare on Kurt. He stands up off the couch, slowly. Kurt stands up straighter and while Callum is a tall and large man, Kurt is athletic and he is still a couple inches taller than him. But I've seen Callum fight and he does not play by the rules, nor is he one to give up easily. The idea of the two fighting worries me but I push that aside and bring myself back to reality.

"Callum," I say cautiously and Kurt looks at me while Callum continues to stare at Kurt. I try to stay focused on getting Callum out of my apartment, I'm not even quite sure how he got in in the first place. "What are you doing here? How did you get in?"

"You didn't think I would let you get away that easily did you, love?" I can feel my body wanting to shrink back and hide from him but I force myself to stand still. I take a deep breath then sigh.

"Callum, you broke up with me. You need to move on." I put my hands on my hips trying to appear more intimidating but it only makes Callum smirk more. Callum turns his attention to Kurt when he speaks next. Eyeing him and looking back between the two of us.

"Oh? Do I? Just like you have?" Callum takes a step closer to Kurt who looks a little uncomfortable with the confrontation. But I see his emotions start to shift more towards being annoyed. Honestly, I am getting pretty annoyed with Callum's behavior too. "I can't allow you to get away with disrespecting me like that." He practically snarls at Kurt, taking another step closer, wobbling a little, clearly drunk but he regains his balance quickly.

Kurt holds up his hands trying to make peace. "Hey, man, I meant no disrespect. I just did what anyone would do if they saw someone pushed to the ground." His words sound innocent but I see him stand taller as if egging Callum on.

"Stay away from what's mine. Adriana is my girl." Callum spits venom as he speaks and I know I need to step in before he tries to start a fight. Before I can speak though, Kurt says something that makes me stop in my tracks.

"She isn't your girl. You broke up with her months ago and now, she is my fiancé. So, you need to back off." He finishes his point by giving Callum a look then grabbing his arm and dragging him to the door.

I just stand there unable to react to everything that's going on around me. I thought I had more control over myself than this but after everything else tonight, I am just exhausted.

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