Chapter 28

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I let myself into the apartment, carrying the remaining bags from my car. I make it as far as the living room before I give up and let my bags slide off my drooping shoulders, landing on the floor with a thud. I rub my shoulder that held the most weight and look down at my things. I'm too tired to unpack now. I sit down on the couch and prop my feet up on my bags. I lean my head back and stare at the ceiling until I feel dizzy. I let the blood rush to my head and begin to feel the pounding in my ears. I let the pain begin to numb me then I quickly sit up, getting a head rush. I groan then reach for the remote.


I groan, stretching in the bed. My hand brushes against soft hair and I jump up, looking over at the figure sound asleep next to me. The naked figure at that. Unable to see her face, I scan the room, looking for clues to who she is. I can't remember much of last night. After Adriana left, everything went to shit. I couldn't help myself. I lean my head back on the headboard and groan, remembering how upset Adriana was and how I just left her when she was vulnerable. Part of me still hoped the figure in my bedwas Adriana but I just don't think after what happened that we would end in bed together. Anyway, I wouldn't want our first time together to be something I couldn't remember.

"Good morning, baby," a familiar voice says, startling me and taking me away from the thoughts in my head. I look at the girl who looks up at me with triumph in her eyes. Fuck, why is Ashley in my bed? Why does she look so happy? I think to myself. My face must look horrified, this makes Ashley chuckle. "Don't worry baby, you told me you and that other girl," she practically snarls, "aren't together anymore." She grins happily and sort of evilly and I get up out of the bed quickly.

"You need to leave," I tell her and quickly put on my boxers then I begin to gather her clothing. She just laughs and rolls over stretching, making the sheets fall away from her body, exposing herself. "Ashley, now." I say and busy myself by putting on more clothing. Once I finish, I gather all of her clothes and set them on the bed for her. "I'll leave the room while you get dressed." I tell her and then before she can protest, I leave the room, escaping to the living room and shutting the door behind me before I can freak out in front of her.

Once alone in the living room, I spin around, looking around the room. What the hell happened last night? I rake my hand over my head, an old habit I still haven't shaken. I hear Ashley grumbling as she gets dressed and I look around for any more of her things so she doesn't have to stay any longer. I go into the kitchen and notice something on the floor. I bend down to pick it up and look at the little Eiffel Tower keychain. "How did this get in here?" I ask out loud, standing up.

"What is it?" I look up startled and see a dressed Ashley standing above me. I hold the keychain out for her.

"Here you dropped this." She squints at it then crinkles her nose.

"That's not mine," she says then the edges of her mouth turn up in a little smile before she turns and prances away. I look at it more closely and notice that one of the legs on it is twisted, not broken off though. I pocket the item and the push aside the emotions that begin to appear when I realize who it must belong to, Adriana. I make my way back into the living room and see Ashely sitting on the couch putting her shoes on. I sigh. Walking over to her, I hand her purse to her and the jacket she brought. She looks a little put out but I can't have her in my apartment any longer. I feel so guilty. I know Adriana left and I know it was never real but I still can't help but feel guilty.

Ashley comes over and gives me a long kiss on the lips, catching me off guard. I push her away gently and give her a stern look. "I'm sorry for whatever happened last night. It was a mistake. You need to leave." I tell her firmly and an emotion of rejection flashes across her face before she plasters a fake smile on it.

She keeps the fake smile on for a few seconds then she sighs and rolls her eyes. "Nothing actually happened." She chuckles. "But Adriana thinks something did." She opens the door with that last sentence then waves happily. "Bye! Good luck!" Then she laughs and slams the door behind her.

"Wait, what the hell." I say to no one in particular. "Nothing happened? Adriana was here? Fuck." I look around the room again panicking and take the Eiffel Tower out of my pocket, rubbing it between my fingers as if a Genie will pop out and grant my wish. I toss it onto the couch then let my legs give out, allowing me to collapse on the couch as well. "What can I do?" I need to do something. Why do I need to do anything? Adriana was the one who decided it was over. I was just trying to be a gentleman. I argue in my head, taking on both sides of the debate then I get my lazy ass off the couch and grab my keys. Rushing to the door, I grab a light jacket then shut the door behind me. 



Knock, knock, knock.

Tatyana looks over at me. "You should get it. You haven't gotten up off this couch in a few hours." I laugh a bit and throw a pillow at her before getting up.

"Technically, you haven't you either." I point out as she ducks away from the pillow as it lands short. She picks it up off the ground and tucks it behind her head.

"This is mine now." She goes back to watching tv and I make my way to the door. "Hopefully it's the pizza guy. We ordered like twenty minutes ago!" She complains and pats her stomach. My own stomach growls a bit and I agree, I hope it's the pizza guy.

I open the door and my heart drops to my stomach, a feeling I am all too familiar with recently. "Kurt," I say, holding onto the door.

Tatyana peeks up, looking over the back of the couch to watch the scene unfold. "Wait, how did you get into the building?" She asks him. I haven't looked away; my eyes are too busy staring at his face. He ignores her and stares only at me.

"Can we talk?"

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