Chapter 33

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"Wow, so he wasn't a complete..." Tatyana trails off when she sees the look I'm giving her. "Sorry, but he usually... is not the greatest?" I nod and we both laugh.

"You're right. On both points. Tonight, he was different."

"Did he kiss you?" She sits up on the couch, leaning forward. I roll my eyes and take my time responding, which of course, annoys her. "Ana! Answer me! He did, didn't he? You shouldn't have let him!"

"Jeez, girl, calm down. No, he did not kiss me. I don't think he even tried to really. He kissed my cheek though. Which was nice, I guess. Sweet." I sit back with a sigh. "I guess it's good. But after everything we've been through?" I pause and look up at Tatyana. "What do you think?"

Tatyana gives me an undefinable look before shooting up off the couch. "I think that we are going out! Just us girls. I'm calling Mike and telling him you and I need some girl time."

"Didn't we just have one of those when we sat in Kurt's apartment for, like, a day?"

"No," she waves her hand dismissing the thought. "We are going out. Get on your favorite outfit." She narrows her eyes at me. "Favorite outfit that does not include pants. Last time was a sweatpants type of night, tonight is a no pants type of night!" She does a little hop and pumps her fist in the air. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and I get off the couch and let her drag me into the bedroom and into the closet.

"Now, what do we wear?" I jump out of the way just in time to dodge a big green fur coat.

"Where the hell did that thing come from?" Stooping down, I lift the monstrosity to examine it. "When did you get this? Is it real?"

"So many questions." Tatyana turns around and squints at the coat. "Oh, yeah, one of my friends brought us to this retro club. It was a theme night for some decade." She ends her story and goes off in search of two perfect outfits.

I go over to the corner of the closet and lean against the wall and slide to the floor. Looking around at the piles on the floor, a gold sparkle catches my eye and I pull out a sequined dress.

"Yes! That's perfect. You're wearing it." Tatyana says, noticing the dress I found. "And your knee-high black, suede boots would go perfectly."

"You don't think it's too much?" I hold it up against my body and look in the mirror.

"Okay, fine. Maybe no knee-highs. Put the dress on," she instructs me and disappears into the closet again. I strip and wiggle into the dress. Tatyana comes out of the closet and helps zip me into the dress then hands me gorgeous red high heels with a touch of gold on them/

"How do you always have the perfect thing for me to wear?" I put on the heels and wobble a bit. She grins at me then holds up a cute golden clutch. A squeal comes out of my mouth before I can stop it and we both laugh.

"I'm amazing, I know. Okay, now my turn. Please sit back and relax and prepare to be amazed. Even more so than usual." I laugh and roll my eyes then fall back onto the bed, my dress riding up my thighs. "I'm wearing your boots, by the way!" She calls out to me.

"I wouldn't be surprised that you had them in here." I respond then close my eyes for a few minutes.

A pillow hits my stomach and I sit up. "I'm awake."

"Are you?" Tatyana stands in front of me peering down at me. "I didn't take that long!" I just raise my eyebrow at her. "Right okay, sure. But look at the results? Worth the wait, right?" She holds her arms out then slowly spins around and strikes a pose when she comes back to facing me. She found a similar sequined dress but in a pretty green /black color. She paired the dress with my knee-high boots and a short fur jacket. And pink hair.

"Whoa, where did the pink hair come from?"

"Oh, do you like it? It was just a quick chalk thing for my hair."

"Yeah, I like it. It looks good." I stand up and fill the golden clutch with all my necessities. "You ready to go?"

She stuffs her purse and tucks a flask in it. "Free vodka. Gotta be prepared." She pats her purse then grabs the apartment keys.

I follow her out of the room and into the hallway. "Why do you have so many sequined dresses?" I ask as we make our way down the stairs and into the lobby.

"So many questions," Tatyana rolls her eyes smiling. "Should we walk? It's pretty nice out tonight." I nod, and we make our way down the street, the cool air blows my hair over my shoulders and I teeter in my heels. Maybe we shouldn't have walked.

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