Chapter 32

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I pace around my room, going back and forth between the closet and the mirror. "Why isn't this mirror closer to my clothes! I'm sweating up a storm!" I huff and make another trip back to my closet. I hear Tatyana laughing on my bed and I throw a hanger at her. "You could be helping me right now!" I say as I stomp back to the mirror to admire or rather judge my next choice in outfit.

"No," she says sitting up and pointing her finger at me. "I refuse to help. I don't support you going on this date with Callum."

I twist my hips trying to see myself from different angles. The skirt sticks out and makes my hips look huge. I yank it off, tossing it onto the growing pile of discarded clothes. I hear the bed creak as Tatyana gets off it. She appears next to me in the mirror, looking over me, processing.

"Okay, I'll help. But not because I approve, only because you desperately need my help." She takes a step back and looks at me again then turns her focus on the discarded pile of clothing. She begins to dig through them, tossing items every which way. "Where is he taking you?"

I bite my lip, thinking. "I don't actually know. He never said anything specific." I pull out my phone and debate texting him, wanting to know what attire I should wear.

"Put your phone down, I have the perfect outfit. It'll work for any date. I am so good at this." She hands me different articles of clothing, jumbled in a ball. I pull my light toned jeans over my thick thighs, jumping and wiggling a bit to get myself into them. I breathe heavily when I get them buttoned.

"They are a little tighter than I remember." I frown and look at myself in the mirror. My hips are a little muffin top looking but then Tatyana hands me a cute gray crop top with purple and green flowers on it. The crop top is longer than usual ones so it kisses the top of my jeans. I twist to uncomfortable angles to look at the outfit. "Okay, not bad. But what if it's chilly out?" She goes into my closet and digs through a drawer of scarves. She returns carrying a beautiful green one that matches the green of my shirt, a scarf that I did not know I owned. I wrap it around my neck and nod. "Okay, fine that is cute and keeps my neck warm but what about my arms?" I turn to face her. She hands me a pair of gray booties and socks that won't be seen and I plop down on the bed to put them on.

"Honey, if he is trying to prove he's a gentleman, he will give you his jacket." She states firmly then leaves my room. I struggle to get off the bed with my tight pants on then I follow behind her, grabbing my Kate Spade purse and shifting through it to make sure I have everything I might need. "Don't be out too late. And you better come right here afterwards. I mean that. He isn't taking you back to his place, he isn't taking you to another location, none of that. You got it?"

"Yes, mother." I roll my eyes and she throws a pillow at me as she dives onto the couch.

"I am going to wait up." She states, leaving no room to argue. "Text me if you need anything. I'm serious. If he's being a jackass, which is likely to happen, text me and I will come pick you up."

I nod then blow kisses at her which makes her roll her eyes but smile at me. I leave the apartment shutting the door behind me and head to the stairs. I wish we had an elevator, I don't want to get sweaty. I take my time going down the stairs then find myself at the door to the lobby. I check my reflection in the window near the door and tuck stray pieces of hair behind my ear.

Once in the lobby I look around. The small lobby has a stand for the doorman and a chair next to it but little else. The space is too small. I check my watch and see the time is 6:58 and I push open the doors of the building, the gush of wind making the door heavy before I am let out into the humid air. I guess I won't be needing his jacket. I look down each side of the sidewalk,

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