Chapter 21

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A/N: EDITED chapter, This is the party scene!



It's 2:30pm, the party begins at 3 and I am extremely nervous. We've prepared as best as we can but I'm still so scared. Kurt invited some of his work colleagues and a few of his neighbors. The neighbors worry me because I haven't been to Kurt's place many times and I don't know what they'll think of me or our engagement. And I don't know for sure what he has told them about Ashley.

"Are you okay?" A hand touches my shoulder and I flinch before I can stop myself. He removes his hand but continues watching me. I smile apologetically and look up at him nodding. "We can do this. Everyone loves parties, you don't have anything to worry about." He smiles down at me as best he can but I can see the worry in his eyes as well.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding then speak, "Okay," I say then tug my hair and look around the living room, "It looks good." He nods in agreement and I hold my breath again as I hear the first buzz of the intercom. I watch as he walks over to the door and presses the intercom button but I shut off and continue to look around the apartment as he talks to the guests through the intercom and unlocks the door for their arrival.

"You ready?" I nod my head and tug my hair again then let go as he reaches for my hands just as our first guests arrive. He squeezes my hand then leads me over to introduce me.

The band is running a little late and my heart drops when I see them walk in. I must have made a noise of horror because a lot of people have turned to look at me. I see the lead singer smirking at me and I look over at Kurt and catch his eye, he gives me a confused look and I cough a little and apologize, "I'm so sorry, just a little sore throat." Then I excuse myself to get some water from the kitchen. After I distance myself from the band and all the guests, I lean against the counter trying to breath.

"What happened?" I hear and turn to face Kurt. His face shows a hint of annoyance written across it but I don't blame him. I was rude in front of his neighbors and coworkers. I should apologize again later but right now I just needed space to breathe.

I stand up straight and finish my water then fill my cup again. "You can have some wine, you know. They won't mind that you're underage. They expect you to." I shake my head and sip from my cup again.

"I don't drink..." I say quietly because I have not told him that about me. I haven't told him a lot. He looks a little impressed and it makes me smile a bit.

He nods his head, accepting this fact, "Should we go back out? There are a few more people I should probably introduce you to." He runs his hand over his head, a gesture I've noticed before. It seems to be an old habit from when he had longer hair. I try to think back to see if I can remember him with long hair but I can't and he doesn't have any pictures around his apartment that show him with long hair. I brush the idea away and pick up my half empty cup of water. He offers me his hand and I take it and let him lead me over to other guests and after he introduces us, I apologize for my startled noise early, making excuses of a dry or sore throat. They laugh it off and keep chatting with me.

After an hour or so, I am just starting to relax and enjoy myself when I hear the band strike up a new song. I've heard most of their songs before but this one is new. I continue talking to the assistant at Kurt's office but begin to hear the words of the song.

"He doesn't knoooow.." croons Callum, the lead singer and my ex-boyfriend, "he doesn't knoooow... What he's getting into. She's a .. she's a .. PRUDE!!" I gasp but cover my mouth in time and the loud music helps drown out my noise. I get distracted from my conversation and pay attention to the lyrics. The band breaks into song again after a long guitar solo and Callum belts out the next verse, "Never could get her into bed. What's wrong with her head? She's such a tease because she will never please.... YOOOOU or anyone else for that matter!" The horrid lyrics go on, talking about a girl who won't let her boyfriend do anything with her and how the one time he got her to give him a blowjob, she wasn't very good and the rest of the song talks about how big of a disappointment she was and how no one will ever want someone who is such a prude.

About halfway through the song, I can't stand it anymore. I don't remember when I started crying but I hear a sob escape from my lips and I quickly stand up apologizing quickly then pushing my way into the bedroom and shutting myself in. I collapse against the wall and slide the floor on the far side of the bedroom and hug my knees to my chest sobbing violently. How could he do this to me? He knew I wasn't ready to go further in our relationship, I let him do all that I was comfortable with... I sob harder thinking back and remembering the night he broke up with me. It had been about a month of him trying to get me to have sex but I wasn't ready. One night he was angry and tried to convince me I should, then tried to force me but I put up a fight and eventually he gave up. He called me many nasty words and told me no one would want someone who is such a prude and that I should be lucky he even tried. Then he left.

I bury my head further between my legs trying to cry silently. Wishing that this horrible day would end.



I've been talking with my neighbor for a couple of minutes and the band I hired is playing an inappropriate song about a girl that I can only assume he used to date. I look around the room and notice Ana is missing. I excuse myself and go over to my assistant, Cathleen, who Adriana was last talking to, and ask where she went.

"I think she went to the bedroom. She just started crying and got up, excused herself and ran off. I don't know why she started crying. We weren't talking about anything that would be upsetting..." Cathleen prattles on but I stop listening. I look up to see the lead singer smirking at me and he looks very familiar. Callum, I instantly curse myself. Why hadn't I been paying attention? She had told me he was in a band. A friend of mine had recommended this band so I hadn't realized her ex was in it. I would have noticed he was here if I wasn't so busy talking to the neighbors and my coworkers. And I hadn't really been listening to the song but I can tell it was something offensive if it caused Adriana to run off crying. I excuse myself from Cathleen and she smiles telling me how much she likes Adriana and how happy she is for us. I smile back at her to be polite and say a quick thank you before hurrying off to the bedroom.

I knock on the door and hear a muffled sobbing. "Adriana? Are you in there?" I know she is but if she chooses not to answer, I will know to leave her alone. Almost instantly, I hear a sad voice frantically apologizing.

"I'm so sorry," the sad little voice says between sobs and hiccups," it was so rude of me to run off. I didn't mean to be so dramatic. I hope I didn't ruin the party..." She trails off and I open the door stepping inside and closing it behind me. My room isn't very large so I reach her in three strides and kneel beside. I put my one hand under her chin and tilt her head to look up at me. When she looks at me I see the sadness and pain filling her body. The pain I feel in my heart startles me and I debate letting go of her but seeing her this way makes me want to protect her.

"You didn't ruin anything," I say softly and I cradle her head in my hands. I brush her tears away before speaking again. "What's wrong?" I ask cautiously. I've pieced together some of the story but I need to hear it from her. I need to know why she is hurting so badly.

She sniffles a little and I let go of her face to grab her a tissue box then I sit down next to her. I sit quietly, letting her clean up and breath a bit before I press further.

"That's my ex-boyfriend..." I nod encouraging her to continue, feeling like a complete idiot for not remembering it was his band. "That song... that song is about me. I have never had sex. I'm a virgin. I never felt comfortable doing a lot with him. The blowjob that he talks about in the song, he guilted me into doing it. I didn't want to. And then... and then he dumped me when I wouldn't have sex with him." She seems to say this all in one breath and is breathing heavily when she finishes. I look over at her and she is staring at the wall across from us.

"Ana..." I say then stop, unsure of what needs to be said. It shocks me, her confession to me about being a virgin. I don't know why but I had just assumed she wasn't. I stay silent for a little while, still looking at her. She turns to face me and quietly whispers, "say something..." I can see the pain and worry in her eyes. The worry confuses me. What is she worried about? There are so many things running through my mind and I can still hear the band playing songs and our guests talking. I need to get rid of them. I stand up and see her eyes widen, scared. I squat down in front of her and rub my thumb over her cheek.

"Stay here," I say and my voice comes out sounding rough and strange. I wait for her to respond and when she nods, I stand up and exit the room.  

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