Chapter 20

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A/N: NEW chapter



Our party planning was quick to finalized and we sent out the invitations for the party to begin at 3pm the following Saturday. I hoped it wasn't too late of notice but both Kurt and I had agreed the sooner we had the party, the better. It still gave us a week to settle into a working system for living together.

I offered to go door to door with Kurt to deliver each invitation to his neighbors but instead Kurt said he had already left them with his doorman to hand out when he saw his neighbors.

So, after sending out the invitations we sat back and waited for the day to arrive. Over the next few days we had a couple notes left at the door accepting the invitations and we each were stopped by neighbors who accepted the invitation in person. It was great for me because Kurt's neighbors would stop me to introduce themselves and accept. It helped me get to know some of them before the party.

One of his neighbors, a nice woman named Evelyn, invited me over for tea. When she heard of my love for dogs, she was even more excited and told me to come over whenever I wanted to see them.

While we waited for the day to arrive, it became easier and easier to live together. Soon, it seemed natural. We got into a pattern and I quite liked having him as my roommate. I miss Tatyana of course but living with Kurt is a little different. Well, quite different actually.

With my job, I tended to be home before Kurt and I got in the habit of making dinner for us each night. On the occasion when Kurt knew he'd be getting off early he would call me midday and see if I wanted to eat out for dinner. I always took him up on the offer. I do enjoy cooking but it's always nice going out to eat. We explored different restaurants each time we went out. Some places gave me new ideas for dinners, especially when I noticed meals that Kurt really liked.

One night we had leftovers so Kurt and I went down the hall to visit Evelyn and her dogs. Evelyn was so grateful. She shooed Kurt out of the apartment to take her dogs for a short walk because she wanted to spend some time talking to me. She asked questions about Kurt and myself so I was able to put our story to the test again. She seemed thrilled by the story and I highly enjoyed telling her. The story feels more and more real these days. I do feel like Kurt and I are getting a closer and stronger friendship. But I have to keep myself from feeling more than that.

When Kurt came back from walking the dogs, Evelyn and I were giggling uncontrollably and Kurt walked in with a smile. The two big golden retrievers ran over to Evelyn and myself. I happily received kisses from the one then stood up to go.

"Thank you so much for bringing this over," Evelyn gestures to the containers of food sitting on the counter.

"Not a problem, Evelyn. I hope you like it." I smile and walk over to Kurt. He slides his arm around my waist and I lean against his side.

"It was delicious, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it." Kurt smiles down at me then smiles at Evelyn as well.

"I'm sure I will. Thank you for walking my boys Kurt, and thank you for bringing Adriana to our community." I blush and give another smile. Evelyn winks at me. "She's much better than that last girl you had over."

"Evelyn!" I scold her, teasing then let out a laugh. Kurt looks embarrassed. I put my hand on his chest and give him a pat. I look up at him "Not that I disagree with you. Though it seems our boy's taste has gotten much better."

"Thanks for that, you two." Kurt rolls his eyes then starts to make his way towards the door. "And on that note, it's getting late we should head back down the hall."

"Alright. So nice seeing you Evelyn." I reach out and hug her. She gives me a tight squeeze before stepping back and hugging Kurt as well.

"I'll bring back the tupperware when I'm finished." Evelyn waves us off and shuts her apartment door behind us.

We walk back to the apartment with Kurt's arm still around my waist. We awkwardly bump hips as we walk and end up tripping over one another right as we reach the door. Our laughs echo down the hallway and we quickly shut the door behind us so we don't bother anyone with the noise.

After dinner most nights, we'd chill on the couch together. Some nights we'd chat while the tv is on but with the volume turned down low. Only once did Kurt bring work home and spread out on the coffee table.

"You sure this is okay with you? I thought I could finish up at work but some information came in later in the day and I need to make sure this case goes well." Kurt explains as he sorts through the files on the coffee table. He stop and looks up at me to focus on me when I respond

"Yeah, of course, it's fine. Why haven't you brought home your work more often? I thought that was something that happened more?" I lean back on the couch and kick my legs up, spreading out since Kurt positioned himself on the floor.

"It kind of feels rude bringing home work while you're here. Like being on your phone while you have company. That sort of thing."

"Ah, well, no it is totally fine." I sit quietly behind him on the couch reading a book.

I like watching him work so I look at him every so often and a few times I caught him looking back at me. We smiled each time we caught the other looking. I hope I don't distract him too much. I try to keep my eyes focused on my book but I can tell Kurt is starting to get stressed.

Kurt leans his head back, touching my legs. He sighs softly, closing his eyes. I keep reading but automatically reach my free hand out and start rubbing his head, almost absentmindedly. He keeps his eyes closed for a few minutes, when I go to turn the page in my book, he sits up and gets back to work.

Once I've turned the page, I reach back out and start massaging his neck. He tilts his head forward a bit exposing more of his neck for me to reach. We sit together silently, me rubbing his neck and him preparing his argument for court.

After a while, my hand begins to cramp up so I roll my wrist a few times then go back to reading quietly beside him. I hear him clacking at his keyboard.

"Oh crap," Kurt says turning back to face me. "Adriana?"

"Mm?" I look up from my book and give him a small smile then a yawn escapes my mouth.

"Yeah, exactly. It's late. We need to get to bed." Kurt shuts his laptop and stands up, stretching.

"What time is it?" I look around the apartment and realize we have a lot of lights on which is probably why neither of us noticed that it was getting late.

"Almost 2:30am," Kurt checks his watch to confirm then nods his head. "Come on, let's get some sleep."

Kurt lets me use the restroom first to wash up and get ready for bed while he puts away his work and clears off the coffee table.

When he comes back into the bedroom, I've just exited the bathroom wearing a long t-shirt and my pajama shorts. I squeeze his arm as I offer the bathroom to him. I climb into his comfy bed and snuggle in.

I'm almost asleep, even though I left the light on for Kurt, when he comes back into the room and gets into bed next to me. I shift over, away from him because I know I've kicked him in my sleep before.

"Adriana? Are you still awake?" Kurt asks softly a few seconds after turning the light off.

I turn over to face him and can see him in the moonlight that's streaming in through the top of the curtains.

"Yes?" I answer quietly.

"Thanks for tonight." Kurt looks over at me and I can see something in his eyes but I'm tired and I don't want to try to figure it out tonight.

"What do you mean?" I yawn and close my eyes so I don't have to see the way he's looking at me.

"Just for being with me while I worked, and helping me when I got stressed. And for not being upset that I brought my work home with me." I open my eyes and see Kurt watching me. I smile.

"Of course, not a problem. I enjoyed tonight. Now, shh. Bed time. Night night." I speak in short sentences, tired. I blink sleepily before giving up and letting my eyelids close.

"Goodnight Ana."

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