Chapter 19

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A/N: NEW chapter



The day finally arrives for me to move in. Tatyana and Mike helped me pack up a few of my things to make it look like I had actually been living there for a little while. Kurt was at work while I moved in so I had time to make it look like our place.

"You don't think he'll be mad?" I ask and Tatyana laughs, Mike rolls his eyes.

"If I came home to this, I'd be mad." He responds and Tatyana grins happily.

"Yeah, but you would end up loving it. Just like Kurt will. It looks authentic. It's a little overwhelming but you two are still a newer couple so people will understand why he hasn't tried to tone you down yet." Tatyana laughs again and puts a floral pillow on the couch, arranging it with other similar colored pillows.

"He's going to be home soon." I look around the room nervously. "Are you sure he won't mind? I think it might be too much."

Mike shrugs, "Nah, it's fine." He turns to Tatyana. "You ready to go?"

She nods then pulls me into a hug. "The place looks great. Don't worry about it. Have fun."

"Wait y'all are leaving me to deal with this all by myself?" They both laugh then Mike tugs her out the door and I pout as the door shuts behind them. I look around the room and twirl my fingers nervously. I make my way into the bedroom and put my suitcase in the back of the closet, folding a few of my smaller bags to fit inside the suitcase. While in the closet, I straighten out a few of my dresses and dress shirts. I hope I'm not taking up too much room.

I'm in the closet organizing my many shoes when I hear the door being unlocked. I stand up and make my way out of the closet and the bedroom and into the living room. Kurt enters and he sees me and smiles.

"Hi honey, I'm home." I laugh, appreciating his sense of humor. He makes his way over to the kitchen and tosses his keys onto the counter and puts his bag on a chair at the table. I watch as he goes and grabs a glass and makes himself some water. Then I wait as he looks around the room, taking everything in.

"Is it too much?" I ask nervously and I take in the room again. He takes a minute, studying the little changes. New couch pillows, a few decorations of mine on the walls and some pictures placed here and there. "I put some of my things in the closet... I hope that's okay."

He nods, taking a sip from his glass before replying. "That's why I moved some of my things, to make room for yours. Just like an actual fiancé would have to do" He chuckles and I smile.

Suddenly, I get a little nervous and a bit embarrassed. "Oh gosh, I am so sorry. I should have had dinner made for when you got home or at least had it started. You've been at work all day, you must be starving. Well, I hope you ate lunch but still that was a few hours ago so you're probably hungry again. Gosh, I'd really make a poor wife. Thank god you're not actually marrying me, right?" I laugh awkwardly, rambling to no end and he laughs alongside me and shakes his head.

"I figured we could just order a pizza and we can continue planning our party." I nod agreeing and go to get my computer to place an order. I sit on the couch to place the order then set my laptop aside and pull out a notebook. Kurt gives me a look. "Why do you have a notebook? You have your computer right next to you."

I shrug. "I like handwriting things when I can." He nods and I open my notebook and put the date on the top of the page. When I look up, Kurt is staring at me again. "Sorry, force of habit." He smiles and laughs at me which makes me roll my eyes. "Shut up. It's helpful sometimes." I huff and tuck my legs under me before leaning forward over my notebook. "Okay, so we already have the date for the party. You said you've got the band taken care of?" I tilt my head back to peer up at him. He nods.

"One of my friends made a suggestion so I booked them. Is that okay?" He asks, suddenly looking a little worried.

"Of course. I don't really know any bands. I probably would have just played music off of my phone and I don't really have any music so that would have been very lame." I laugh then quickly talk so he doesn't make fun of me. "Okay so band? Check. Food? Actually, when I was moving my stuff in I saw a cute little deli down the street. I was thinking about asking them to make a platter or something. Like little sandwiches?"

"Yeah that sounds good. My neighbors like to drink a lot, which you will notice soon, but I can get a few different bottles for the party. Any suggestions?" He opens the notes app on his phone and creates a new note as a reminder to get drinks, then he looks at me for my suggestions.

"Uhm, no whatever you want should be fine." I answer politely because I have never had anything to drink so I wouldn't know what to suggest. "Okay so food and drinks are covered too. This really isn't the type of party to decorate for so I guess we're good there. So, we should go over our story again. Just to refresh." I clear my throat and sit back on the couch pulling a pillow into my lap.

"Okay," he says and he leans back in his chair. "We haven't been together for very long. But when you know, you know." He says and I laugh.

"I've heard that too much recently. Okay, so we knew. We were friends first and just fell in love. It was more of a spur of the moment thing which is why you did a more official proposal at your parent's house." I take my pillow and give his chest a light whack. "That was incredibly embarrassing. I had no idea you were going to do that!" He leans back laughing, clearly amused that he surprised me.

"You looked terrified!" He continues to laugh so I whack him again but then I start laughing too.

"You're horrible!" I cry out laughing and I fall back into the couch then I remember something and I shoot up. "Oh my god! Is this ring real?" I thrust my hand out to show him the ring. Then I pull my hand back to look at the ring myself. I'm too busy staring at it that I almost don't hear when he starts talking.

"It's real." He says but doesn't say anything else. I stare at him and wait for an explanation but nothing comes. He smiles mysteriously then gets up to refill his water. I lean back and groan.

"Come on. Tell meeeee!" I whine, feeling comfortable around him. My whining makes him laugh but he just shakes his head.

"All I will say is that it is real. And that's it." He raises his glass to me and I roll my eyes.

"When we get divorced, I'm totally keeping this." I wiggle my fingers which makes him laugh more.

"I want a prenup." He threatens, teasingly.

"Nope!" I shout happily then we both start laughing.  

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