Chapter 24

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After our dinner in silence we find ourselves seated at the bar making friends with every customer that comes in. Adriana was shy at first but this atmosphere is too inviting. Benny has been steadily supplying me with beer but Adriana doesn't seem to notice. I find myself leaning into her with each beer and my hand rests on her thigh. She flinched when I first touched her but I didn't back down and she eventually relaxed and her hand is now perched on top of mine, her thumb gently rubbing my hand while she chatters aimlessly to her new companions. The gesture seems almost absentminded and I don't mind. At one point in the evening I lean over and plant a kiss on her cheek, which quickly turns a shade of pink while the women in the group give a collective sigh. I turn back to make further conversation with the gentleman to my right but overhear the women telling Adriana how cute we are together. I smile, we are cute.

"Kurt," I feel Adriana tug on my hand gently and I turn to face her again. I look into her eyes and notice how tired she is. "It's getting late." I look at my watch and see it has gotten late. It's almost 10 o'clock at night.

"Wow, how did that happen? We've been here almost four hours." I stand up, staggering a little and Adriana gives me a look that I can't quite read. But the look passes quickly and she wraps her arm around my waist, I toss my arm over her shoulder enjoying the feel of her up against my side.

"Leaving so soon?" Benny teases, I nod and put my card down on the bar sliding it to him but he just shakes his head and pushes it back to me. "This one's on me. But not for you," he stops me before I can protest or even thank him. "For Adriana, you're one lucky guy." He winks at Adriana and grins at me. I pocket my card and give him a nod.

"Thanks, man. I am pretty lucky." I turn and plant a kiss on Adriana's forehead and pull her close into me. She puts her hand on my abdomen to keep me from wobbling and I am grateful because I definitely should not have had that final beer, or couple beers. The warmth of her hand stays on me as we walk down the street.

"I texted Dave to let him know we were up for that dinner invitation." I let her know and she smiles looking at the ground watching where her feet are going. "He said his wife is excited to meet you. I made sure to let them know that they shouldn't judge a book by its cover." I tease and she lets out a loud laugh that echoes across the empty street.

"Thanks for that," she bumps her hip against mine, making both of us stumble. We laugh together as I regain my footing and straighten her out too.

"Hey, careful, if I go down, I'm taking you down with me." I eye her evilly and this earns me another laugh. She gives my stomach a pat, leaving her hand there again until we make it back to the apartment then she separates from me to get the keys from my pocket. She fumbles with the lock but I know I would do a worse job so I wait patiently, leaning up against the wall.

"Adriana.." I start and she looks up at me just as she gets the door unlocked, she holds it open for me and I try my best to walk like I am not as drunk as I happened to be. She follows behind me and locks up the apartment, I sit on the couch and she busies herself cleaning up the few cups around the living room. Once she is finished, she sets the bag by the door then goes into the kitchen and I hear the sound of ice being scooped into cups and then the sound of running water. Adriana comes back into the living room and hands me a glass which I gratefully accept, downing most of the water quickly as she drops onto the couch letting out a sigh.

"That was fun," she smiles, her eyes shining while her eyelids begin to droop from exhaustion. "Benny is really funny. He was telling me some stories of your schooling days. They were quite interesting." She teases me but I like it. Feeling bold from the alcohol intact, I reach over and pull her onto my lap. She doesn't protest and straddles me, sitting back so we look at each other. "Hi"

I chuckle, "Hey," I keep my hands resting on her thighs, a sensation beginning to form in my abdomen but I can control myself, for now. "Thanks for talking me down today, I don't normally run out of a room and burst into tears, I mean yes it's happened before but I try not to make a habit of it. Oh, I mean me bursting into tears, I'm not sure I've run out of a room before but it's possible, my mom likes to remind me how dramatic I was as a child. And thanks for taking me to Benny's bar. It was delicious and everyone was so nice and welcoming. We should definitely go there again. I want to try more of that menu. Well, I also want more chicken strips but I'll try new things too." She pauses, "Sorry, rambling," she waves her hand as if dismissing her ramblings but I enjoy them.

"Adriana..." I start but hesitate when she looks at me with her tired yet excited eyes. Without realizing what I'm doing, I lean into her and press my lips firmly against hers. She hesitates at first but soon she is kissing me back. Her lips are soft and I lean into her while pulling her thighs down closer to me so she's sitting perfectly in my lap. Her hands slide across my chest touching me softly and then they slip down and begin to tug at my shirt, I oblige and lift it over my head. I lift her up and stand up, letting out a primal growl as she wraps her legs around me and I feel her mouth open to deepen the kiss. I feel her tongue brush over my bottom lip as I bring us into the bedroom. I set her down on the bed keeping her legs around my waist as I lean down with her.

I pull away from our kiss and look down at her. We are both breathing heavily. I look down at her and I feel guilty for some reason but the animalistic lust inside me, pushes me to continue. I hold her face gently in my hands and kiss her breathless. Her hand slides over my chest and down. But something inside me makes me grab it before it hits its mark.

"Ana..." I groan, my voice heavy with lust and longing but something else is there too, regret? 

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