Chapter 13

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A/N: NEW Chapter



When Friday rolls around Kurt sends a text later in the day asking if I am okay to meet him at the coffee house as he is running late from work. I sent him back a quick text letting him know that is fine and asking what he wants from the coffee place.

It's a nice day out and the coffee house we've been frequenting is only a couple blocks away so I decide to take my time and enjoy walking today. I get to the coffee house pretty quickly and order for myself and read Kurt's text to order him the correct items.

Kurt arrives shortly and I meet him at the counter as my name is called to pick up our things. "Hey there," Kurt says as he slides up to the counter and grabs our pastry items while I take our drinks.

"Hi, Kurt," I smile in greeting. We find a table to sit out and set our things down.

"Thank you for this." Kurt lifts his cup to me before taking a long sip.

"Of course, no problem. Not technically the same level as Wednesday's dinner so start looking forward to another dinner date, on me this time. Any update on the engagement party?" I ask quickly trying to gloss over my mentioning a date. Kurt sighs, leaning back and stretching his back out on the chair. "Oh sorry, did you have a long day?"

"Technically no, it was a very short day." I sit quietly in case he wants to say mre, he does. "The case I'm working on took a turn and new information came to light today actually."

"Oh, I'm sorry. We could have rescheduled, Kurt. I would have understood, do you need to leave now, go back to work?" I start overthinking. Kurt sits up straight and takes another drink from his coffee then starts on his pastry. I narrow my eyes at him annoyed that he chose to eat first rather than respond to me. I cross my arms and give him a look. He looks up at me and laughs at my expression.

"Sorry, no. It's fine. Nothing is going to change today. Nothing I can do at the moment. This actually helps take my mind off work. So again, thank you." Kurt lifts his coffee again but he cheers me this time.

"Glad I could help." I lift my glass in return and take a sip when he does. We both get a chuckle out of that.

"So I realized that we hadn't figured out our story for how we started dating." Kurt settles in and starts eating his pastry.

"Oh right!" I shift in my seat, sitting up straighter, intrigued. "Do you have a story in mind?"

"Well, I think we should keep the story simple" Kurt sets his fork down to lay out the story for me. "We just tell people that we went out to lunch after church one day, spent hours talking, decided to meet up again, and it just kind of progressed from there."

I nod in agreement, taking in the story. "Simple, but plausible. Wait but how do we explain getting engaged so quickly? I mean, I was just in a relationship not even six months ago and you were with Ashley until well recently?"

"Okay," Kurt says, pondering the question. "Ok, so we just decided we knew what we wanted. We'd both been in relationships that weren't going anywhere. We grew closer, as friends, and one day realized it was more than a friendship. And at that point we both confessed our love and I proposed."

"Are people actually going to believe this?" Sighing, I sit back, lift my cup and swirl it, giving myself something to do with my hands.

"I think so. But to be safe, don't offer any information unless directly asked."

"Smart," I sip my drink. "Okay great! We have our story down. Oh no wait, people are going to ask how you proposed."

"We'll just say that when we made our confessions of love, I proposed spur of the moment. Nothing too extravagant but it felt right in the moment. Does that sound okay?" Kurt studies my face and I smile at him. He smiles back at me and we both end up laughing. Creating our fake relationship is so silly.

"Yes," I say after we stop laughing and I've caught my breath. "That sounds good. Should be easy to remember and hard to mess up. But we shall see."

After a few hours, we decided to meet up again another night just to hang out, spend some time together. I really enjoyed spending time with him. I check my phone and see by the time that I am cutting it close to dinner with my family.

"Kurt, I should head back to my apartment. I have dinner with my parent's tonight and I need to get prepared for that." I chuckle and Kurt nods.

"Let me give you a ride," He stands up and waits for me to get up as well before we head back to his car. I don't bother arguing with him and instead accept his offer of a ride.

When I am settled in his car, I lean my head back on the headrest and close my eyes. I am exhausted but I know I need my energy for this evening.

"You okay?" Kurt asks, turning down the radio so we can hear each other speak. I don't open my eyes but I can feel him casting glances my way. I let a yawn escape my mouth and Kurt chuckles. "Long day?" He pokes fun of my earlier comment. Even though he can't see it, I roll my eyes but also let a small smile appear on my lips.

"Oh not really. But yes, I am okay." I keep my eyes closed until I feel the familiar bump when entering the parking lot of my apartment. I slowly open my eyes and rub at them a little, trying to chase away the sleepiness. "Thanks for driving me home."

"Hey, no problem, it's what any good man would do when taking his fiance out." Kurt smiles at me, his smile sparkling. I shake my head but smile as well. We might as well have fun with the situation that we are in.

"And what a great fiance you, my dear." I respond back then hop out of the car before he can get out, I wave him off. "I've got to go, no need to walk me inside tonight. Text me when you want to meet up again."

"Sounds good, have a good time with your parents tonight."

"I will definitely try." I let out a little laugh then give a quick wave and run into my apartment building.

My apartment is empty when I arrive. Tatyana must still be at work or with Mike. I change into a plain white t-shirt and throw on a cute denim skirt. I freshen up quickly as well then head back down to the parking lot to get into my car. I plug my phone in to play music and to charge it because it didn't get a lot of charge while I was changing. Then I back out of my spot and head out onto the road towards my parent's house.

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