Chapter 29

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Third person POV
After Chelsea left Ashton’s room, he was devastated. He felt so stupid for letting someone as good as Chelsea slip away from his fingers just like that. He shouldn’t have done what he did, thinking that she would still stay with him. He shouldn’t have let her go like that.

She was moving on, he wasn’t. She had forgiven him, he hadn’t. That was like the worst thing ever. He knew deep down that if he had stayed with her, things wouldn’t have turned out this way, things would have been better between them.

He was never going to forgive himself, he never would. He let someone as wonderful and sweet like Chelsea walk away from him. Despite all these, he knew she was better off without him. He just didn’t want to accept that fact. He already knew she would have a better life… and he wished that for her.

He was lucky that Brandon was there for him, by his side… he had always been there, and he promised to always be there. He warned him not to go ahead with the plans he had for Chelsea, but he didn’t listen. He wished he had listened to him… things would have turned out better.

He wondered what Chelsea was doing right now, now she had chosen to forget him, she probably was going to have a good time with that boyfriend of hers, he would obviously treat her better…

He wished nothing but the best for her.

Moving on…

Chelsea on her own part, decided to end her therapy. She didn’t see the point of continuing when she had already moved on… she didn’t have anything to worry about anymore.

She wasn’t as stressed out as she was before, when she recently moved in to Lake City. Somehow, she was happy all this happened.

She drove off to her therapist’s after talking to Ashton. Pauline decided to go with her because she didn’t have plans at that moment and she decided to be there for her friend.

“Hey Mrs. Jade,” Chelsea greeted as she walked into the office she spent most of her time in. it had beige walls, a white table and a black office chair. A red sofa was by the side of a book shelf… her favorite part of the office.

“Oh hey sweetie,” Mrs. Jade replied. She was a woman in her middle forties. “Hi mum,” Pauline greeted and Mrs. Jade just sent a smile her way.

“Wait, mum?” Chelsea asked, shocked that she didn’t notice any sooner. “Yeah. Pauline here is my daughter. You’ve never seen her before because she hates anything related to therapy.”

“So sweetie, what may I do for you today?” Mrs. Jade asked, opening Chelsea’s file. “I just came to tell you that I won’t be needing therapy anymore,” Chelsea replied and Mrs. Jade just froze. She looked up at Chelsea with a huge smile plastered on her face.

“I’m glad to see you followed my advice hon,” she said, closing up the file. “Yes I have. I spoke to him today and told him that I  forgive him. I want to move on, and I realized that I could only do that and start over again with a fresh mind if I forgave him. I’ve done that, and I’m ready to move on with life.”

Mrs. Jade stood up from her chair, went close to Chelsea and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. “I’m so happy for you sweetie. All these months we’ve spent, I’m glad to hear that you’ve finally decided to move on and bury your past. I always tell you to forget about it, and look at the bright future ahead of you. I’m going to miss you sweetie,” she said still holding Chelsea tightly.

“I’m going to miss you too Mrs. Jade. And I promise I would also visit you when I have the time.”

“Ok sweetie. Now, you little munchkins should go and have some fun, leave old Mrs. Jade to work now,” she said pinching their checks.

“Mum, I keep telling you, I’m not a 7 year old anymore,” Pauline said rubbing the spot her mother pinched, causing her mum and Chelsea to laugh. “Goodbye Mrs. Jade,” Chelsea said as she left and closed the door.

Two down, one more to go.

Chelsea called her mum and fed her with the news. Her mother was excited that her daughter had finally decided to take steps forward and move on with her life. That had always been her prayer, for Chelsea to grow, to forget about Ashton and what he did to her and move on.

She knew it wasn’t easy, but she also knew that if Chelsea could survive all that she went through, she was strong enough to overcome.

“Princess. You’re ok. I was worried sick. How did it go?” Dylan asked her when she got back. Apparently, he hadn’t left her room since she left. He pulled her into a hug, which she returned.

“I’m fine Dylan, don’t worry. He didn’t do anything and you can trust me when I say everything went as planned. I went there, told him I forgive him and that I was moving on without him. He was sober and surprised but I didn’t care. I don’t think he has forgiven himself though, but I have.”

“Wow,” was Dylan’s only response.

“Yeah. I then went over to my therapist's who happens to be Pauline’s mum in order to end my therapy. I’m looking forward to a life without Ashton… it already feels so nice.”

Chelsea dropped herself on her bed and sighed deeply. She closed her eyes and began to imagine her life without having to worry about an Ashton showing up at any moment, with the ones she loves by her side.

She told herself she was going to tell Abby and Katy everything the next day. She felt that it wasn’t fair that they weren’t active in her life and she wasn’t active in theirs. They were best friends and they love each other badly, but college had to come in and be the barrier between them.

Her mum asked her if she wanted to go to the city’s college to stay with her friends. She didn’t see the point of that because Pauline was already her friend, it would be a bit too late for that and she had Dylan with her.

She was done running. She ran from Ashton and she wasn’t doing that again. She was willing to show the world what she is capable of.

Chelsea Carmen is back in business baby.

Dylan, on the other hand, left the room, nervous as hell. He met up with Nicholas and Jacob who just gave him a disapproving look.

“Let me guess,” Nicholas started. “You didn’t do it,” Nicholas and Jacob said at the same time. He nodded and dropped his head on the table in frustration.

His friends sighed and he kept calling himself a coward…

If Chelsea had moved on, why couldn’t he?

Two chapters left gutsI'm so happy that we are almost done. I really hope you guys liked the chapter.

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