Chapter 3

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"I'm a terrible person mum," I told my mum as she was driving me to school. "You don't have to think that way love. You are just trying to protect yourself that's all," she said but I could sense the pity. "You weren't even there, the way I spoke to him... if someone spoke to me that way I wouldn't have liked it," "well then why are you here telling me your story when you can just walk up to him and simply tell him you would love to be his friend and just like that. Boom."

"Easy for you to say," I murmured and I know she heard it when she just rolled her eyes... a thing we both do when we are tired of a conversation.

"So you all, this is who you would be paired up with." Mrs Duburg said with a smile on her face. Please don't  be Dylan... please not him... "Chelsea Carmen and Dylan Sanders."

No way.

Why is it that the things you wish for never come to pass and the bad things happen... why?

I turned to look at Dylan and he just had a straight face with no emotions and I couldn't read it. She shared out some papers with our fates on them. I opened mine and it read,

Name: Chelsea Carmen
Job: Model/actress
Monthly income: $300
Status: Soon to be married

Ok this was straightforward.  I glanced at Dylan and I saw the same expression but it looked like he was... smirking.

What the hell could he possibly smirking about. He got paired up with the same person that dismissed him harshly and he's happy. Add this to the list...


My mind was literally screaming this at me. Help me Lord.

I made up my mind to speak to him after class. When Mrs Duburg was done blabbing all sorts of shit to herself because the whole class isn't interested in your speeches ma'am. I wanted to scream that in her face but I don't need detention in my life right now.

Moving on....

"Uhhh hey Dylan could we talk," I asked him when the class was over and while fiddling with my fingers. "Sure. What may I do for you princess?" Ok that was unexpected. "I want to apologise."

"What for?"

Excuse me.

"For the way I spoke to you when you asked to be my friend. I'm really really sorry. I shouldn't have spoken to you that way and y-yes I would l-love to be your friend."

I looked up to see him smiling. "I knew you would come back for me princess." I wanted to say I didn't come back for him until his next words left me dumbfounded.

"I had absolutely no reason to possibly be mad at you... wife."

He didn't just say that.
I guess he had been paying attention huh!

"Eww. Listen just because  I'm doing this project with you doesn't give you the right to call me wife and put your hand around me Dylan." I put my hand forward. "From now on, how about we stay away from each other at arms length... got it?" I asked him. Once I said I noticed a change in his expression.

"Way to ruin the moment," he murmured. "You have a girlfriend... respect your boundaries ok." I looked at him like a mum who was telling her child not to go to the monkey bars. "Alright fine," he said with a sigh and I left satisfied.


Sleeping in...

Wonderful dreams...

Until you get interrupted by your mum tapping you continuously like when your 3 year old brother keeps tapping you up in the middle of the night to help him pee when he's clearly wearing a diaper.

Yeah that kind of annoyance is what I'm feeling right now.

Don't let me murder you mum!!!!!!

“What do you want now mother?” I asked my mum in a sleepy tone. “Quit whining and get your ass off the bed Chelsea.” She told me but it all fell on deaf ears.

I’m lazy this morning don’t judge…

“Mum I swear, if you don’t leave me alone right now…” I said finally sitting up fully awake right now, so much for my beauty sleep. “Great you are awake now. Come down we have something to show you.” She said before leaving. What’s going on because  my parents don’t usually act this way…?

I reluctantly follow my mum outside to the parking lot. She walks at a faster pace and stays beside my dad and I notice they are both standing in front of something new and beautiful and it looks like...

A car.

They finally decide to get me the red car of my dreams. I hug them with all the strength I’ve got. “Thanks mum and dad… you guys are the best,” I say enthusiastically. “Umm lad, morning breath.” I grin from ear to ear.

Finally no more diving me to school.

Finally its done guys I’m so freaking happy. I know this is more of a filler but I want you guys to get the idea. I know you might think it's cliché, but like I said I have a great plot I hope you guys would like. Tell me what you think privately or comment, vote, share and follow.
Love you all

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