Chapter 8

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Dylan POV
My mind is currently occupied on the conversation I had with Chelsea last night, or rather this morning. I’m just surprised that someone like her could be awake by that time. I mean it’s expected of me because I'm  a guy, but her, its… weird.

At my favorite class, Mrs. Duburg is being God-sent as usual and she’s just making me love her more. “Alright everyone, today is get to know each other day. Each couple must meet up after school and tell themselves anything and everything that pops into their minds about themselves. Also, compile the list of at least 10 things about you partner. You will have to do because it takes up 30% of your grade.”

I looked over at Chelsea who was just giving Mrs. Duburg glares that could probably get her 6 feet under. If eyes could kill… well let’s just say….

Did I mention she looked like she was considering committing suicide because of this? “So Elsie…” “Don’t call me that!” she shot back then calmed herself down. “Don’t ever call me Elsie” “ok, I’ve learnt that now… anyways, I’m asking where we can meet after school to get the activity done.” “I don’t know and honestly, I don’t care. Maybe by 4 at the café, I have to go to the library after school so I can meet you there” she said facing her work.

“I feel like you are not going to come, so I’m going to come over to your house and pick you up.” She just rolled her eyes and shrugged “whatever,” she said standing up. Looking back, this is the first normal conversation we’ve ever had and she isn’t yelling at me for wanting to come over and pick her up.

“So it’s a date?” I just got one of her death glares in response. “I’m so sorry, it’s just an assigned outing, nothing more but many things less”. She then smiled, but it wasn’t a sweet smile, but those kind of smiles Annabelle usually gives before striking… yeah that kind.

She met up with Katy and whispered some things in her ear. I keep admiring this girl and I don’t think I’m ever going to abandon her. I’m ready to give up my player ways just to get her. Maybe that’s why she’s not into me, because she feels that I’m going to use her…

Or maybe she has a boyfriend in her previous school, that’s why she’s not interested in me.

After school, I go back home to get prepared for our ‘assigned outing’… it feels weird on my mouth, saying that. It’s a date, to me it is but to her…  it’s an unknown date.

My clock says 3:45 so I need to go to her house in order to leave early. I get to the front door and ring the doorbell. I expect to see Chelsea, but I instead meet her mum who looks just like her but has black hair stopping at her shoulders.

“Hi. You’re probably Mrs. Carmen, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Dylan… Dylan Sanders from school,” “oh, hey Dylan. Just call me Ann, Chelsea has never spoken of a Dylan but she talks about this annoying partner she has at the semester project and stuff like that."

Well, that’s just nice and expected.
At least she talks about me.

“Just sit here a while, let me go get her." I watch as she walks up the stairs while calling Chelsea’s name. I admire the setting of the living room and the pictures around. “She is in her room, she’ll be down in a minute or obviously more.” Ann told me when she came down. “Can I just go in and get her?” “I don’t know, I guess you can. It the third door on the right.” “Ok, thanks” I climb up the stairs, locating the third door on the right. I knock… again and again but she doesn’t respond.

I open the door and enter inside. Let’s just say, it wasn’t what I expected. Normally, you’d expect pink everywhere, with posters of different kinds and everything neatly arranged.

Well, this was the opposite. The walls were black and white, like she was mourning someone or she’s just boring, a messy reading table and a messier floor. Some pictures of her are around. Her room is even worse than mine, but above all that, it’s still simple.

I like simple.

Moving on…

As I was admiring her pictures, I heard the door open and a scream follow. I looked back and saw Chelsea, but this is the awkward part…

She was wrapped in towel, her hair was wet and straightened, water droplets making her shimmer because of the sun rays which made their way into the room. I got lost in that image, the one in front of me and the one I was imaging in my head. “What are you doing here?” she asked in a calm, cold, harsh voice. “Um w-well, we were supposed to go out on our da- I mean assigned outing and I came over and came in here to get you since you were wasting time.” “Yeah and now you’ve seen me, you should probably get out,” “oh y-yeah, I’m supposed to get out, aren’t I?” “Yes, now, leave and give me privacy to get dressed."

She said and I was just stalling. She gave me a deadly look which basically says ‘get the hell out of my room’. Just as I was about leaving, the unimaginable happened…

Her towel fell down from her body, luckily for her and unluckily for me, she had her back turned and she pulled up her towel immediately and I saw a side of her I’ve never seen before, both physical and verbal, emotional.

“What don’t you understand by get the fuck out of my room and give me privacy? Now look, you want history to reoccur. Get out, get out and never return. I never want to see your hideous face again,” and she broke into tears.

I wanted to rush to her and apologize, and at the same time defend myself from the insults, and at the same time tell her that she’s my wife and she’s going to keep seeing me for a while so she better get used to it.

But being the gentle man I am, I bring down my head and leave the room. I hear the door lock and I just sigh and leave. I saw a note on the stair rail from Ann saying that she left and would be back in time for dinner. I smiled, left the note, got into my car and drove off.

I’m sorry Chelsea.

I'm sorry I updated late. I was working on other chapters but this one is out so....
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