Chapter 24

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Third person POV

“Enough with the insults Chelsea. You have to abort the baby. And if you don’t, don’t expect me to be a part of your life anymore.”

“A part of my life. You lost that position when you took away the thing I held most dear to me. You’ve taken it all away from Ashton and you still expect me to be in your life. Do you really think I am that desperate?”

“Yes Chelsea. Yes I do think so. When this relationship started, I did it just because you were lonely. You didn’t have any friends and I liked you. As we progressed I started to love you. I do still love you Chelsea and I want you to abort this baby.”

“If you loved me, why did you do what you did to me? You are a psychopath. A mentally deranged human being. I hate you Ashton. I hate you and I never want to see you hideous face again.”

She hung up and threw the phone across the room in anger, frustration, hurt and most of all, she felt betrayed.

Ashton had used her. He got her drunk and used her. He expects her to abort the baby all for his goddamned reputation. He didn’t give a shit about her. He never did.

She got out of her room to be welcomed into her mum’s hands. Her mum held her tightly.

“I’m so sorry mum. He used me. He got me drunk at that party and raped me… and now he wants me to abort the baby.” She told her mum still sobbing.

“It’s ok baby. Everything’s going to be fine. What do you want to do?”

“I’m not going to abort it. I’m going to keep it. It’s a blessing that has been given to me. Me aborting is me killing, and if I do that… I’m never going to forgive myself for the rest of my life.”

“You still want to go to school?”

“Of course not mum. I can’t stand him. I wouldn’t hold myself seeing him. I’m just going to cry, break down mentally and kill him. I rather stay at home… maybe I’ll take online classes.”

“Yeah, it’s better that way. Your father and I will arrange for that. Go and rest. You need it.”

“Ok mum.” She said and her mum kissed her head.

She went to bed after that. Maybe having a baby wasn’t so bad after all. Maybe if she ate well and took her vitamins and drugs, the baby can survive. She smiled at the thought of her baby surviving.

As much as she wanted Ashton to be a part of the baby’s life, she was better off without him. Seeing the real Ashton, she reasoned that the baby would be better off without him… they were better off without him.

He was the father, yes, but the child wasn’t theirs…

It was hers.

She knew that because she knows she wouldn’t let Ashton get close to her child. She was doing this alone. She was doing this without him and they were going to be fine.

She hasn’t experienced such heartbreak in her entire life and this was the worst way to experience something like that. She vowed that she was going to take care of that child, with the help of her parents.

She knew her parents were upset and emotional over the whole thing. They were taking things so lightly, but deep down, they were ashamed. They were mad that they couldn’t do anything to prevent their daughter from getting raped that night and having a pregnant 17 year old.

They promised themselves that they were going to protect their daughter and grandchild. They promised themselves that they were going to do everything in their power to make their lives comfortable and protect her.

She was crying. She cried and cried uncontrollably. She didn’t know why she was crying but she cried. She wasn’t sure why but she knew that something was wrong. Her mum was right beside her, comforting her, telling her that everything would be ok.

She jerked up, awake. She was sweating profusely and tears were coming out of her eyes. She went to her bathroom and washed her face.

“I love you.” She heard. She looked around before hearing again. “You don’t know me, but I know you.” “I’ll always love you.” She was starting to get freaked out.

The voice was low and by the looks of it, she was the only one who could hear that voice. It sounded like a little girl’s…

Her little girl's

5 months into the pregnancy and Chelsea started having painful and scary complications. At night, she would scream at nightmares she kept having of losing someone or she would be in so much pain that she fainted. She was on several medications that just seemed to make matters worse.

Things weren’t going as she wanted them to.

“What am I doing wrong mum?”

“I don’t know sweet heart. Don’t worry ok. Everything’s going to be fine.”

“Nothing is going to be fine mum. I’ve been taking my vitamins, my drugs, everything I was told to take and now this is happening.”

Her mum just held her comfortingly and they slept off. Currently, she was at the hospital because the contractions were terrible that night. Her dad suggested that it must be from the stress she’s going through and she didn’t even know what to think.

Ashton had not called her ever since then. He did care, but he couldn’t bring himself down to ask how things were going. Chelsea’s mum updated Ashton on the wellbeing of Chelsea’s baby. She was reluctant at first but decided that was the right thing to do since he was the father.

“Mum. The pain is unbearable… I can’t hold it any longer.” Chelsea screamed. Her mum was scared.

“Hang on dear. I’ll go get the doctor.” Her mum dashed out of the room in search of the doctor, while Chelsea was screaming out in pain.

The doctors rushed in and told her mother to stay out. Her parents held each other comfortingly, worried for their daughter’s and grandchild’s wellbeing.

Chelsea stayed awake during the whole process. Crying. She didn’t know what else to do. She prayed till the extent that she lost hope and got tired of praying.

“Chelsea, I’m so sorry.” Chelsea’s mum told her while holding her hand. After two fruitless hours, the baby died.

“So she’s really gone mum?” Chelsea asked, afraid of the answer.

“I’m so sorry sweetheart. The doctors tried everything they could. You were too stressed out and your blood pressure was going sky high. You were so unstable and you were still awake. Your health and the baby’s were at risk because of all the shock and stress you put yourself under. I’m so sorry.”

She expected this. All her dreams finally made sense. She was to have a daughter, and because of a bitch she lost her. Her baby is gone and she wasn’t ever going to forgive herself or Ashton.

She vowed to herself that she wasn’t going to let herself go through this again. The doctor recommended therapy and they starting a new life in a new town.

She lost her child… her girl.

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