Chapter 14

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Chelsea POV
I don’t know how to say I felt, seeing Dylan kissing another girl at a corner in the hallway. I didn’t feel jealous, that’s for sure because I’m not into anyone, especially Dylan. Rather I felt betrayed, hurt that even as my friend, he didn’t tell me he had a new girlfriend.

On top of it all, I felt used. First, he made feel like the other woman in his life when he kissed me in front of Nora, and now he is kissing another girl and when he sees that I’m looking, he puts his hand over her shoulder and smiles at me.

I turn back to my locker and keep telling myself that no matter what happens, I can’t let any boy especially Dylan into my heart… again. After what I’ve gone through with them, they are not for me. I might as well become a nun, worshipping God everyday till I die.

Great way to live life.

“Jealous now aren’t we?” I turned to see Nora who is surprisingly alone, leaning on the locker beside mine.

“Excuse me?”

“I said jealous now aren’t we? Don’t worry, I feel the same way.” She said with a sigh.

“I’m really sorry for being the cause of your breakup with Dylan. I never associated with him until after that moment… Dylan isn’t someone I could ever date…” he’s a player and I’m not into boys anymore.

“I know right. We’ve been dating for a while now and I just thought that I could be the one to change him… I heard he was cheating on me while we were together, but I didn’t want to believe that. I thought we could have a happy ever after, but turns out, he’s a bigger bitch than I thought. He’s a player… he’s never going to change… at least now you’ve seen that”

She’s depressed.

“Wait, you think we are together?”

“Well isn’t it obvious. You guys hang out a lot and he cheated on me with you, so it’s clear.”

“Well we are not… and I don’t even want it. I don’t want to have anything to do with the male species. I’m on my own and the only reason we hang out is to get our stupid project done… that’s all”

“Ok. If you say so.”

She leaves looking relieved. I guess she needed someone to pour her heart out to. Her minions might have left her cuz, if they didn’t why else did she have to come to me? I look at that corner again and I don’t see Dylan. He does have eyes for something good… if not too good for him.

The girl has light brown eyes, blonde long hair, a nice physique and she’s just perfect. A bit too perfect if you ask me. I wonder how long she’s going to last with Dylan, in his arms.

I laugh internally and head to my next class with the jerk of a friend I have… math.

Luckily, I passed him by 2 full scores. He got a 90 out of a hundred and I got a 92 in our pop up quiz. Most pop up quizzes, if not all, begin with the students groaning out loud in frustration. Comments like ‘oh come on’ or ‘I didn’t even study’ or ‘why now’ and finally ‘fuck you man’.

The last one was loud enough for the teacher to hear it and the poor guy just got one week detention and 3 days cafeteria cleaning.

That is the worst punishment ever… cafeteria cleaning. Everyone shuddered at that because we all know you pass through hell in there. You have to clear out old gum, days old trash littered by students and sometimes you just find all sorts of gross stuff I don’t even like to think about.

Moving on…

I met Dylan and his mystery girlfriend at the school garden after school for our wedding planning. “Hey Chelsea” Dylan said as I walked up to him. I waved back and looked at the girl. She’s prettier than I thought and I don’t even notice her.

Dylan must have probably noticed that I was looking when he cleared his throat and introduced her to me. “Umm Chelsea, meet Debby… Debby meet Chelsea. She’s my partner” “hi Chelsea,” she said in a very high pitched voice that just went off key.

I wanted to cover my ear out of the impact but I kept my hand down, to avoid disgrace.

She’s a disgrace.

“Oh Dylan. You are so funny” she said when Dylan suggested the songs to be played at the wedding. Which wasn’t funny.

“Did you really have to bring your girlfriend along?” I asked Dylan in an annoyed, harsh tone.

“Are you jealous of me and my boyfriend?” Debby asked me back.

More like irritated. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I brought back the cold hearted Chelsea.

“Are you seriously asking me if I’m jealous? Of who possibly? I hope it’s not you. And no… I’m not jealous. I’m irritated. You are disgusting, annoying, you have a stupid voice and you are a disgrace to all blondes out there”

There it goes. I know I sound jealous, but trust me when I say, jealous is way out of league in this case. “I’ll see you later Dylan. I guess we are done for the day. I’m tired anyways. See you tomorrow.” I leave without any destination in mind. I’m not expecting my mum till 20 minutes.

So, I sit at a bench not too far off from Dylan but close enough to hear their smooching sounds. Eww, the school garden. On a bench.

The best place to make out. I spot my mum, who stops in front of me, stops the car and I shut the door loudly when I get in.

“Had a tough day?” my mum asked when she sees my mood. “More like an irritated and stressful day,” I reply. “Wanna talk about it?” my mum asks, concerned. I shake my head in response and she just starts the car and drives off to home.

This is how it has been. My mum drops me off at school and picks me up when she’s returning from work. It gives me enough time to complete any assignments of the day, including the one with Dylan.

Mental note to self… Never name any future kid you probably would never have… Debby.

That name disgusts me.

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