Chapter 5

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Chelsea POV
"Oh my God." was the only word that seemed to come out from my mouth right now... the only word that my mouth processed. I couldn't believe that Dylan would actually kiss me... and worst of all.

In front of his girlfriend
Damn I feel so used.

I know he's a player, a big one that he is capable of getting 13 gold statues of him... but why me? Why did it have to be me. Why am I the one and not any other girl at school or Nora's stupid minions.

I was currently in the janitor's closet.... at least it's the sanest  place in this whole school.

What do I do now? I'm as confused as a 2yr old whose mum has an identical twin and she has to find her real mum. I'm going to have to sign myself out of that class... I can't bear the shame of that class, neither can I stand the shame of the school.

What is Nora going to do me? She must feel like Dylan has been cheating on her... with me.

I'm the other woman in his life.


I'm messed up like hell.

I'm going to leave school after signing out of that class... why couldn't u stay in New York where my life was perfect... well... until....

I open the door only to reveal a smirking Dylan. He looked sexy and the way... Wait a minute. If he is out here smirking it probably means....

Men... I want to punch the beauty out of his face.

"You had this planned didn't you?" I asked him in disgust.

"Me? I don't remember planning anything".

"What do you want from me?"

"Nothing. I want absolutely nothing from you Chelsea. I just want this project done that's all."

He turned to leave but hell no am I letting him go this easy. I held his arm back to stop him from going any further. He looked back at me with a smile on his face.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked him finally out of breath. He hesitated for a moment before...

And there it was. He brought back his blank emotionless face as if this topic wasn't as sensitive as it seems.

"Nothing? You kissed me in front of your girlfriend, cheated on her, humiliated me in front of the whole school and you say it's nothing?"

"Well, you would be my wife soon won't you?"

That left me dumbfounded.

"Don't call me your wife, I'm not your wife and I never will be. I'm signing out of that class so have fun searching for a wife, dickhead." I said while walking out but his next words stopped me dead in my tracks.

“The class is compulsory, so I’m sorry for you but you are stuck being my wife whether you like it or not, sweetheart." Yep he officially spoilt the word ‘sweetheart’ for me. Thanks a lot Dylan.

I looked back at him only to see that mischievous smile on his face… damn I want to punch him right now. I can’t do that because  I don’t want a dent on my college application so I did what I’d always do in this kind of situation.

I ran. I ran as fast as I could out of the building. I stopped once I reached outside for some fresh air. If you told me that I would get paired up with the world’s most obnoxious high schooler on such a sensitive project… then I probably would have called you crazy and laughed over it, but now, I don’t think it worth laughing over.

I can’t imagine being friends with an arrogant dude who cheats on his girlfriend right in front of her and thinks he can get away with it let alone work on a godforsaken project with him… the things I do for my grades. I went to my car and drive to the only place where I can think properly and see the world in a totally different perspective.

My secret hideout, at the city park, in a very very secluded area. I found it on a hunt for my house when we recently moved . I got lost on my way back from school and I discovered this place when I was crying and a woman walked up to me and asked what the problem was and I narrated my ordeal to her and she helped me. Ever since then, if I ever have a problem, I come here. Though I don’t see her anymore but at least I help myself.

It’s about a 10 minute drive from school which gives me easier access. I know I can’t stay here forever, I’m eventually going to go back to school… eventually going to face Nora and her minions and explain everything to my friends.

That’s not a lot at all. It even sounds difficult to me.

I really didn’t know what woke me up this morning, whether it’s the nightmares I keep on having or the events of yesterday replaying in my mind. I kinda wish I kissed him back. I don’t know why I’m feeling like this but I must not. I’m ordering you brain… if that would actually work. They are the reason I’m in this mess right now.

Either way, I lazily get out of bed and hop into the shower to take a nice long shower. I'm not exaggerating when I say long… its pretty long. My clock says its still 5am which is super early for me so that gives me a little extra time to get prepared. I came out with a towel wrapped around my body and another around my hair. I dry out and get into a black leggings and a black shirt with a ‘born to be wild’ inscription on it, a jacket which I tie around my waist and black sneakers.
Did I mention that my jacket is black too?

Yep officially its mourning day
Don’t judge… I have every right to mourn.

I reach to get my phone where I usually charge it, but I don’t see- Shit. I forgot my phone. And I don’t even have a clue as to where. I run my hand through my hair… another reason to mourn
Y’all happy now!

I’m currently pacing around my room,  thinking of where I left it, when I left it,  thinking of who may have picked it up and gone through it since I don’t have a password, currently thinking of what a bitch I am to actually forget my phone the previous day and not notice till the next morning when probably its already too late and my social life is ruined by now.

I totally need not fear and look into a brighter future.
I’m a mess… its official now… even my hair says so.

Help me Lord.

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Love you all

Desperate for youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora