Chapter 19

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3rd person POV
Graduation hats flying in the air.
Speeches being heard by graduates everywhere.
Unexplainable happiness expressed by young teenagers.
The joys and pain of going to college.
Saying goodbye to your best friends, promising your boyfriend or girlfriend that you wouldn’t cheat and you’ll meet up every time.
Parents advising their kids not to join bad groups blah blah.

And Chelsea just sitting in a corner, with Abby, sulking over how Nicholas is stealing Katy away from her and saying their goodbyes and promising to call every day and meet up with each other all the time, while she unknowingly draws the unwanted attention by Dylan.

He on the other hand, is receiving lectures from his friends how he is such a coward that couldn’t confess his feelings for Chelsea to Chelsea, instead he just showed her and she kept dismissing him.

His dad wasn’t there, he didn’t want to come and the truth was, Dylan was happy because as far as Ray, Nicholas and Jacob were there, he was the happiest boy in the school.

Katy runs up to her friends after making out with Nicholas who kept saying how much he is going to miss her and she comforts him promising that she wouldn’t cheat and she'll never forget him.

Abby is soon pulled away from Chelsea and she’s left all alone to swim in her ocean of thoughts.

What did college hold for her?
Was she going to meet new friends?
Will she have a good time?
Or will she just have another reason to hate herself all over again?
Was she going to see any one she knows?

She was going to a private college and she didn’t know what was waiting for her. She decided to take a break and walk around the school for the last time. She took a deep breath, stood up and left the hall.

Chelsea POV
As I walked around the school, I couldn’t but be happy that I was finally leaving this place and getting into another phase of my life. I really still can’t believe that I made it to this part. I’m super excited and at the same time, I’m worried.

I’m worried because I keep having this bad feeling that my past is going to catch up to me. I can’t always run, I can’t keep running because  eventually, I’ll have to look forward  and solve my problems…

I’ll have to move on.

And that’s why my parents suggested I go to a private school, because with that there is a low chance of history repeating itself. I agreed with them though I know I’ll miss my friends. I love them so much and though they don’t know the real reason for this decision, I hope they don’t hate me when they find out…

Because I know deep down that I’m going to have to tell them someday… and that someday is still unknown.

Moving on…

I am so grateful that my parents showed up, though they had to leave to attend to a meeting. Right now, I don’t want to be with anyone, I don’t want to talk to anyone. I just want to be on my own and me being with people is just going to bring back those guilty feelings that im don’t want to resurface.

I walk into the cafeteria and smile at the thought of what happened here months ago. The event that started all this crap and the exclusive high school experience I’m never going to forget in my entire life.

I don’t hate Dylan, I don’t dislike him, but I am still insecure about my feelings and I don’t want to make the same mistake twice. I’m trying to protect myself and I really hope he sees that. If I had my way, I would be sure about my feelings but right now…

No. I’m going to protect myself until I’ve gotten over my past. I still can’t forgive myself for letting me down that way and the truth is…

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