Chapter 13

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Chelsea POV
I wake up and unfortunately, I can't bring my head up... probably because it hurts like they are firing bullets in me. Congratulations. You just got a hangover... again

"Shit. Where am I?" I curse as I look around my surroundings. It's a blue and white room, a king sized bed, a well arranged reading table compared to mine and posters of some bands. The room is the exact opposite of a boy's room... that's pretty much my room.

My room is a pig sty.
Don't judge.

All the events of yesterday play back in my mind and I just sigh. As much as I tried, all I can remember is coming to Dylan's party and having like four shots before well... waking up.

I hear the toilet flush and see Dylan come out from where is probably the bathroom. "Morning princess," he says as he sees that I'm awake. I'm too weak to tell him not to call me princess but instead I groan in response.

He laughed and went to the drawer and brought out aspirin and a bottle of water. "Here. You are going to need it and maybe the shower," he said handing them over to me but I declined.

"Thanks but I'll have to pass. I need to get home, all because of you I'm going to get grounded and I'd be lucky if it isn't for life." I replied him in pain. I stand up, grab my keys and purse and leave.

The sight downstairs baffles me. Broken bottles, red cups, people passed out, some waking up and the couch which is shockingly turned over. I ignore all these and walk outside, got into my car and drove off.

Me getting to my house safely is a miracle due to the headache I'm having right now. I'm not surprised to see my parents at the door, with my mum's hand out waiting for me to handover my keys. I put them in her hand, sigh and walk up to my room. "And don't expect it till thanksgiving."

Great. I'll have something to be thankful for. I know they are just doing this to protect me. Only God knows what I did at the party yesterday. My phone rings in my pocket. Dylan name flashes on the screen and I unwillingly pick up.

"What?" I ask in frustration. "You never told me you twerk like a pro. You are a twerking master."

What the hell is he talking about.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him. As of right now, I'm confused.

"Oh wait. You don't remember? Shit. You are probably going to hate me for this."

"Oh don't worry. I already hate you. All because of you, I got my car seized until thanksgiving, I'm having a terrible hangover thanks to you persuading me to drink four shots and now I twerked. Yep. My life is in order."

"I'm really sorry Chelsea.  I know I broke my promise but..."

I couldn't listen any more do I threw my phone across the room in anger, frustration and tiredness. I can't believe I stooped so low and drank only to get wasted...


I took the house phone and dialed Abby’s number. “I’m grounded please come to my aid,” I told her when she picked up the call. “That is one phrase I never expected to hear from you Chelsea. Don’t worry. We are on our way” she said and ended the call.

My phone didn’t survive the throw… it has gotten thrown across the room like 3 times before now… so yeah… it’s supposed to die. My room door opens and Abby and Katy walk in and sit on the bed.

“Maybe while you are grounded, you can work on your room hygiene” Katy said looking around my room in disgust. “Hey, I know that my room is wasted but I’m too frustrated to clean it up and not to forget the hangover I’m having right now.”

“Wait just one minute. You drank at the party? Why would you do that?” Abby asked me in shock. “I didn’t know what came over me. He told me just one shot,” “and you agreed to it. You of all people Chelsea should know that anything with Dylan isn’t safe.” She’s right.

“He also said I twerked” I said in a quiet voice. “What!!” they both screamed at the same time. “I’m sorry. I was drunk. It’s not my fault.” “Yeah whatever. I’m disappointed in you Chelsea,” “I’m disappointed in myself too. I’m never ever going for a party that Dylan is hosting… never.” I said finally.

Honestly, I still don’t know why I agreed to drink even one shot. Firstly, I’m underage. Secondly, I should know the consequences of drinking. “I’m just grateful you didn’t do anything stupid,” Abby said picking up a skirt from the floor and putting it in my laundry basket. “Yeah. What if she kissed him?”

I nearly choked on my saliva.

“Sorry to burst your bubble Katy but, I could never, whether drunk or not, kiss Dylan. Not in this world or the world to come,” “ok. If you say so”.

I do say so. And this isn’t something that I say and my heart says another. I mean it…

I’m never going to want to kiss Dylan Sanders.

“What did you do to your phone?” Abby asked when she picked the broken pieces of my phone from the floor. “I threw it across the room in anger. Do me a favor and bring out my SIM card. I don’t want to lose my contacts,” “kk. Now get up your lazy ass, and come let’s clean up your room… when last did you clean it anyway?” she asked.

I look up at my ceiling thinking… no seriously. When last did I clean my room?

“I don’t know,” I said with a shrug. “And now, I’m stuck in this pig sty till thanksgiving except going to school,” “ohh chels. It’s your pig sty.”

She is right. This place is a dump… all cuz of me. We were done cleaning the room and doing my laundry in two hours. My headache has reduced thanks to the aspirin I took while we were cleaning.

Mental note to self… if I’m to drink, never take more than one shot. Deal.

I look at my friends in gratitude. “Thanks guys. Honestly, if you guys weren’t here my room would just get messier and I’d be on my bed… mourning,” “its fine chels,” Abby said. “Yeah, what are friends for?” Katy asked rhetorically and I pulled them into a bone crushing group hug.

Best friends do tell each other everything right?

Would they still consider me their best friend when they find out I’m keeping things from them.

I don’t want to lose them… they are everything I have. I didn’t know when I started to cry until Katy pulls me closer and apologizes for Dylan being such a dick and making me cry.

If only they knew why… if only.

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