Chapter 12

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Dedicated to _Godfather_part_4_ and Franda21 for their endless support 😊😊

Chelsea POV
The rest of the week passed in a blur, quickly. In our assignments, Mrs. Duburg gave Dylan and I a B, which is a pretty good grade if you ask me. Dylan and I are getting along better... as friends.

And here I was, in my room with Abby and Katy getting dressed for Dylan's birthday party. Abby did our makeup, while Katy chose the outfits which are amazing. Abby is wearing a pair of black jeans, with a big black sweater which wrote 'BURN IN HELL' boldly and black sandals. Katy was wearing a navy blue knee length dress and shoes which just seemed like the worst outfit to wear for a teenage party.

I, on the other hand, rejected the mini skirt and crop top that Katy chose for me and decide to wear red jeans, a white crop top which wrote 'BORING... I'LL PASS' on it and white Adidas sneakers to top it off. I decided to leave my hair to fall to flaunt it's wave.

Abby made us all look amazing and I was driving, so we got into my car and left for the party.

At the party, well it was just the typical teenage party...

Underage drinking
Red cups everywhere
People sucking their faces off
People passed out though I can swear the party hasn't lasted for up to two hours
Loud music
Stupid dancing
Idiotic acts being played by people that they would surely regret by tomorrow

Yep. Nothing wrong here. How does this kind of thing happen and no one calls 911.

I looked back at Katy and see her holding Abby who looks like she's probably going to throw up if she stays here for 2 more minutes. "I think you should go," I told her patting her back. "You stay here, have fun. We'll take a cab." Katy told me reassuringly. "Are you sure you'd be ok?" I ask Abby one last time.

She gives me a reassuring smile and they leave. I decide not to roam about too much before I get lost.

I walk around a bit, paying close attention to where I am and the way back to the door... just in case things get nasty. I don't watch where I'm going until I bump into someone. He turns around, sees and wears a flirty smirk on.

"Hey beauuuuutiful. Didn't seeeee you therreeeeee," he slurred and I could smell that disgusting alcohol breath right now. "Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't see you there either. I'd just leave now if you excuse me." I said trying to leave but he pulls me by the waist and brings me closer and keeps slurring.

"Oh no no no, you can't leeeeeave me that easyyyy," "yeah listen bro, you're drunk and I'm not interested. So let's just wrap this up and get back to our businesses," I said but he's still persistent and this time, he brings his lips closer. Eww that's just gross. "Let go of me you sick drunk," "no now, babe. Don't tell me to leave you now when we just got started." And when he was about smashing his lips on mine, I heard...

"She did say leave her alone. And she's not interested." I look up to see Dylan giving this psychopath a glare. "And please don't call her babe, its reserved for me only," and he smirked.

Way to ruin the moment Dylan.

"Sorry man, I didn't know she was taken," he said and left. "I'm not taken," I mutter to myself before turning to face Dylan. "Thanks for saving me from something that'll traumatize me for life," "you are welcome... you look nice by the way," "oh thanks."

"Where are Abby and Katy? I thought they were coming along?" "Oh well... they came but Abby felt sick and had to leave. Probably the smell of alcohol," I told him which just got him laughing.

"Happy birthday." I said when he stopped, handing a little present I got him. "It's just a plain black wristwatch. It's nothing special," "oh no, don't say that. As far as it's from you... its very special".

"Don't get me mad now Dylan Sanders. What did Nora get you?" His face fell at that question.

"I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean to ask such a touchy question. S-sorry," "its fine. But the gift she got me is a text that she has moved on now and she has a new boyfriend," "oh. I'm sorry". That was all I could say. I guess that answers our question.

"You need to loosen up a bit. You always look tensed... drink a little," "yeah sure. Water is good thanks." "I don't mean water silly. Alcohol". No way is this happening.

"I'm sorry but I'm underage if you didn't know"

"Yeah and so is like half the people here. Come on. You are not going to die or anything. Just a shot." I thought about it for a while longer before finally giving in.

Four more shots later, and I'm a goner. "Whoa. This party is awesome" I yelled at the top of my lungs twerking to Boasty by Sean Paul and the rest. I looked over at Dylan and he seemed to be enjoying the scene before dragging me out of the place.

"I made a promise. I pinky swore to you princess and I'm not letting you go wasted just like that."

He carried me up bridal style and took me upstairs. He opened a door and dropped me on the bed. I'm probably too drunk to take in the surroundings. He tucks me in and strokes my hair. "Listen Chelsea. You are going to wake up tomorrow with a huge terrible hangover but I don't want you to forget the fun you had neither do I want you to hate me because of tonight."

Where is this going? I'm trying hard not to close my eyes and stay awake till he finishes talking. Apparently, my eyes have other plans as all I can hear is faint words coming out of Dylan's mouth before darkness consumes me.

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