Chapter 12 - Requited Love

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Zenitsu's POV

*sigh* I woke up a little earlier than Tanjiro and saw that we were both sleeping naked!! Well, not completely naked. I did notice him putting on underwear and he was also putting underwear on me. So I guess he didn't want us to be both completely naked.

But, that doesn't matter to me anymore. I love him so much that even just seeing his face makes me happy. Fuck embarrassment. I should be happy that we finally got back together and we were now lovers. I don't need anything else in the world except for this.

I noticed him move slightly. Is he awake? It doesn't matter. As long as I'm close to him, I'm happy.

"*yawn* Good Morning... Zenitsu..." He sounded tired. I mean it was partially my fault since we did it twice. But it just felt really good!

"Good Morning, Tanjiro!" I greet him as I kiss him on his forehead. I really missed this warmth. I never want to see him cry again. Seeing him cry made my heart crumble. I really regret doing that to him.

"I don't mind staying like this forever." I said that because I noticed him squirming around so I thought that he still thinks I'm awkward. But not anymore. I just want to love him until the day I die. That was a pretty scary thought but it's true.

"Ok then." He smiled and replied while burying his face into my chest. He feels so warm. This warmth was one of the things I fell in love with. That and his smile. Just hearing him laugh, was like hearing the most beautiful sound you've ever heard. His smile, along with his laugh, just makes the most beautiful perfect combination.

I love every part of him. I love all of his attributes and all of his qualities even is flaws. I love every aspect of him. Seeing him just automatically makes my day. Seeing even just a picture of him, automatically puts a smile on my face. I just want to brag to the world that I got this amazing lover!

And I didn't expect that he'd love me back. I mean what's so good about me? The weak, useless, fragile and pathetic me? Maybe I should ask. I mean I can, right? It's not wrong to ask your lover this, right?

"Hey, Tanjiro."

"Hm?" He replied while his face was still buried in my chest. It tickled me a little when he hummed.

"What did you see in me, that you fell in love with?"

~Tanjiro's POV~ (quick switch ^.^ )

"What did you see in me, that you fell in love with?" Hearing him ask that was like hearing the dumbest question you've ever heard. I mean, what's not to like? Everything about him makes my heart flutter.

"That you're dumb enough to even ask that question?" I chuckle. It's true. I did fall in love with him from the start.

"Come ooon~!! Answer it seriously!!" He's practically begging for me to answer his question. But of course, I'll answer him. I'm was sure that this day would come when he'd ask that. I mean, he was just bringing himself down by calling himself pathetic! What a joke! He wasn't pathetic at all! I wanted to say that to him so, sure.

"Fine! But don't get flustered now~!"

"Just say it already!!"

"Ok. You might think that you're weak or pathetic but... no. You aren't at all. It's just you thinking that. Seeing you is like giving me all of the motivation and encouragement to live and fight. I love your attitude. Even if you are annoying sometimes, I still like you just being there for me. I also love your smile and your scent! Your scent is like fragrant peaches or just beautiful fragrant roses! It keeps me calm. I really love everything about you, Zenitsu!"

I see him about to cry. I open up my arms for him. I'm ready to take all of his emotions in!

"Tanjiro~!! I love you too!! WAHHHH!!!" I was just patting his head while he was crying onto my chest. I really do love him from the bottom of my heart.

"NO ONE HAS EVER SAID THAT TO ME~!!!! WAHHHH!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TANJIROOOO!!!" I'll admit that maybe I did get a little bit flustered. He was just way too cute! Even when crying, he was still so adorable!

"It's ok. I'm always here for you and I can tell you all of that again! Whenever you want! You just have to ask! We're both lovers now after all!"

"Yeah, we really are now! I love you so much, Tanjiro!" He said letting go of me for a brief moment to wipe his tears and quickly hug and cuddle with me again. I loved our cuddles the most. I didn't need to ask him what he liked about me. He was already throwing me a lot of hugs and 'I love yous' so he really does love me. And I loved him back.

"Hey, you should head to the baths now. We did not take a bath last night after doing it so, we were still covered in our sweat." I suggested. It was also producing a different smell that was immersing the entire room.

"Yeah, we didn't. I'll go now!"

"Ok! I'll just fix the bed and clean up!" I really wanted to go with him but... I shouldn't force him in doing something he doesn't want to do. I'll just wait for him. I hear him run off but I can hear him coming closer to the room. Did he forget something?

"Oh, Tanjiro?" I was now so confused as to what he wants or what he forgot. But I don't mind him coming over here again. It was just another moment to get to see his face again. So, I wouldn't mind him bothering me.

"Yes? What do you need? Did you forget something?"

"I just want to ask something."

"What is it?" This can't be!! Does he... does he...!

"Do you want to take a bath together?~"
Chapter 12!!! I really like how this story turned out! Maybe you all already know what's going to happen again. But i won't give you any spoilers! Just stay tuned and enjoy!

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