Chapter 4 - Midnight Talk

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Tanjiro's POV

It was getting dark, yet im still here. Guess I should head back and sleep for the night. Then, as I turned around, I saw Zenitsu looking at me. Looking at me with dazzled, sparkling golden-yellow eyes. We just stared at each other. Then I yelled,

"Hello. Zenitsu!"

"H-hi, Tanjiro." I came up to him and thought maybe we could talk for a bit. Just a little bit. But I can't get too close or else im gonna freak the heck out.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He seems really nervous yet his smell is really relaxed. "N-nothing! Just looking at the beautiful garden! Nothing weird at all! Hahaha!"

The hell was that? That was really weird. He seemed really awkward and nervous. Does he not want to talk to me anymore? No no no. That can't be it. I shouldnt get ahead of myself.

"Do you want to sit with me in the garden? We can talk if you want." I suggested trying my hardest not to freak out and just pounce on him then and there. "S-sure. That would be nice." He flashed a smile at me. That smile made me get rid of my worries. I guess this would be the perfect time. We'll see.

Then, we sat in the garden while looking at the stars and the beautiful cherry blossoms. It must be spring time now. I looked over at him and saw he looked so calm. I wanted to talk so I initiated the first move.

"You seem really well. It's pretty right?" That was not half bad for a conversation starter! I'll have to step up my game though.

"I am doing great! This place is really pretty and the wisteria flowers makes me really safe. How about you?" He asked with a smile. A real smile. The smile that made me fall in love with him in the first place. Gosh he's so cute! But, i have to keep this conversation going!

"Im doing great too! And yes it does make me feel safe." Ok good move! But what's going to be the next topic?? I have to think of something and fast! Then, i looked at him. He looked back. I really enjoy looking at his eyes. Those golden eyes.

Then we kept getting closer and closer with each other. Closing the distance by the second. I closed my eyes and felt something warm on my lips. It feels really good.

Then, my eyes shot up and noticed what I was doing! Fuck i kissed him! SHIT SHIT SHIT HE'S GOING TO BE MAD NOW!! Then he just stared at me. Blushing. He opened his mouth. I was scared of what was going to come out of them.

"T-thank you f-for that." He said. I was so confused as to what he means by that. I mean I kissed my best friend! Gosh what are you doing, self!! "W-what do y-you mean by t-that?" I asked, wanting to know if he likes me or not.

"I-it wasn't b-bad or anything." He said that. He said what I wanted him to say. This must be a dream. Right! Im dreaming! There's no way he would say this! But im just going to make sure.

"S-so, a-are you saying you like me?" I asked again. I was patient on the outside. But on the inside i was like, GOSH JUST TELL ME IF YOU LIKE ME OR NOT!!!! But i couldnt say that to him.

"Y-yes. I-i do. T-tanjiro, i-i l-love you." He said that while being a blushing mess. Im a blushing mess now too though. But I don't care. Im just the happiest person in the world because of him!

"Finally! You said it!" I couldnt help it and I just jumped on him while crying tears of joy. This really is the best day of my life!

"I love you too! Zenitsu! I love you so much!" I said it. He was as red as a tomato now. But that makes him all the more cuter! We kissed again. It was so wonderful.

After that happened, we just laid on the grass processing what just happened. We held hands and then he started to speak.

"So, do-does that make us b-b-boy friends n-now?" He asked blushing. Now im blushing at the thought of my dream, coming true!

"Yes! It does! I love you!" I said without hesitation and jumping on him and hugging him again.

"S-stop that! Im already embarrased and you're making it worse!"

"So, you don't want me to say it anymore?" I asked, teasing him a little.

"I-i mean, i d-dont mind but, stop for now!"

"Ok!" I said laughing. It was really the most wonderful thing that has happened to me. I guess this feeling- this love- was the best feeling i've had.

Zenitsu's POV

I still can't believe Tanjiro and I were boyfriends now. I-i mean i like it! I really do love him! But I didnt think I had a chance until we k-kissed. I really l-liked that. I-it was so warm. I just couldnt believe it. I thought this was just a dream.

"It's getting really dark. We should head back." I suggested but I didnt want to end this moment.

"Ok then!" He said while sounding really happy and his heartbeat was really fast. I mean I was happy too.

As we were returning to the room, we didnt notice that we were still holding hands until two voices yelled out. We turn around and see Mitsuri and Shinobu walking and smiling at us.

"I see you've accomplished your goal, Kamado-kun and Zenitsu-kun!" Shinobu-san said that with a smirk and a laugh. I was wondering what she was talking about until, i noticed we were still holding hands! We both turned bright red and let go of each other's hand. That was so embarrasing!!

"It's ok! Young love is great!" Mitsuri-san told us but that made us even more red.

"S-stop teasing us already!!" Tanjiro said sounding really embarrased but I couldnt blame him. I would be really embarrased too.

"Ok then! We'll see you guys tomorrow! If you want a room all to yourself just go to the room at the corner! No one enters there! And its really clean too with bedsheets! Bye bye!" They both said that with smirks on their faces and laughing. That was really fucking embarrasing!!

"I-i guess we should sleep now too, right, Tanjiro?" I asked while trying to forget that moment.

"Y-yeah. L-lets go to our room." Wait what? What?!?!! He doesnt plan on sleeping together right? Right?!?! I mean im not ready for that yet!!

Then he kept asking if I wanted to go with him. Finally, i give up and let myself get dragged towards the room.

I'll just brace myself for what's about to happen next.
4th chapter!! Maybe you all already know what about to happen next > ○ < !! But just wait for it!!! And i am going to warn you that it is my first time writing a book sooooo sorry if I have some mistakes!
Anyway, enjoy =)))))

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