Chapter 7 - Awkwardness

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Tanjiro's POV

We were still eating breakfast because Mitsuri-san cooked way too much food! It was like she was going to feed an entire village! But I noticed that there were 10- no 15 food bowls in front of her! I guess she was a heavy eater after all.

Shinobu-san was just laughing at her saying that she eats so much and Inosuke was just minding his own business and eating quietly. He might be too scared to even sit with Shinobu-san and Mitsuri-san.

Meanwhile, Zenitsu was really quiet. Which is a surprise since every breakfast here was just him and Inosuke fighting but I guess what happened last night kind of shocked him. And Inosuke looked like he was also not in the mood. What is up with those two?

I decided to go to Zenitsu and talk to him. Well, I tried to talk to him but he wouldn't look at me.

"Hey, Zenitsu. Are you okay?" I asked, really worried if he's sick or if there's something bothering him. He opens his mouth.

"E-eh Tanjiro?! Yes! I am doing really great!" He said that very unconvincingly with just a tint of blush in his cheeks. But he was still looking away. Was he awkward because of what happened? Does he need space? Anyway, I just reassured him.

"Hey, if something's wrong, you can just tell me! I'm your boyfriend now after all!" I say that without hesitation. I mean, is it really wrong to be proud that your crush has now become your significant other? It's actually a great thing to happen to you. A miracle even. But, he just said..

" are." He said that coldly but a tint of blush remained at his cheeks. But his tone was different. As if, he wants to forget about what happened last night and just forget about our relationship. That thought just lingered in my mind and really hurt me. If no one was here, I probably would be crying because of that.

Then, he got up and bowed to us and left in a hurry. Was there something he needed to do? I worry and worry. I'll ask him if he wants us to still be together when the time comes. I mean, I wanted to stay with him but did he? Ughhhh!! I'm starting to get a headache because of this. I should just ask Shinobu-san or Mitsuri-san about this. Maybe they'll be able to help me considering, they're much more experienced at this than I am.

I got up and bowed and left to maybe chase after Zenitsu. But I couldn't find him. Was he in our room? No. Was he in our old room? No. Was he upstairs? No. Was he in the bath? No. Where exactly did he go? Suddenly, a place ringed into my mind.

The garden.

~~Zenitsu's POV

Ughhhh!!! I still can't look at Tanjiro in the face!!! That was just so awkward!! If I just look at him a little, I remember everything that happened last night and start to blush really hard!!! It was so stupid!! I'll just maybe go back to the garden to just maybe clear my mind.

~30 minutes pass~

It's been around 30 minutes and I just forgot about that. It really amazes me that this garden actually relieves you and it just smells and sounds so serene. It kind of reminds me of Tanjiro's smell. That kind of smell that lingers in your nose just because it's so fragrant and so kind and beautiful. Then again, I haven't forgotten 'that' completely.

I hear someone walking, getting closer and closer. Was it Tanjiro? Nonononono. His footsteps were different. So who is it? I decide to turn around and see someone I wasn't expecting to come up to me.

"Hey, Monitsu. Congrats." Wow! Inosuke actually gave me a proper congratulations! Except maybe for my name but this still shocks me. Did Shinobu-san and Mitsuri-san scare him so much that his mind is now completely off? Anyway, I should thank him. I mean he did go out of his way to just say 'congratulations.'

"Thank you, Inosuke! I didn't know that you were actually going to say it!"

"Hah?! I already knew about your gayness for Monjiro! I just didn't say it!" UWAHHHH HE KNEW?? SINCE WHEN??? I DIDN'T KNOW THAT HE WASN'T ACTUALLY A TOTAL DUMBASS!! Gosh, just hearing that from him makes me even more uneasy. But maybe this is a good time to ask.

"Hey, Inosuke. I can't look at Tanjiro properly. What do you think I should do?" I certainly didn't expect asking him a very important question. Is he even going to answer it properly?

"I don't know! Figure it out yourself!"

"Ugh, I should've known." I gave up in asking him but my thoughts suddenly got cut off by him speaking again.

"Maybe you should just confront Tontaro with your true feelings. I'm sure he'd understand." He answered it. He actually gave a proper answer!! Wow!! Maybe he isn't totally bad. But he isn't also totally good. I just looked at him in shock.

"Hah?! Why are you looking at me like that for!?! I answered your question, didn't I?!?!"

"I'm just shocked that you weren't actually just a brutal loud-mouthed boar." Wait. DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD?!?!??!?! F*CKKKKK HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!!! IM GOING TO DIE!!!! I thought that but he just laughed. He just laughed. Now, I'm very confused as to why he's laughing that I forgot what I was worrying about that he'll do.
"Why are you laughing?" I asked, really confused. Is he making fun of me?

"It's just stupid that you actually said that out loud!! HAHAHAAH STUPID MONITSU AHHAHAHA!" Now, that I know why, I just started laughing with him. I have to thank him later for this.

I might have forgotten everything I was worried about with Tanjiro.
Chapter 7!!!! Thank you for reading and i'll be uploading daily so dont worry.. Enjoy! =)))))

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