Chapter 2 - Dejection

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Zenitsu's POV

"NO! IM GOOD THANK YOU!" Huh? Why would he just run out like that? Guess he really doesnt want to take a bath with me huh. But, Tanjiro's been really weird lately.

Everytime I get close to my cute~ little~ nezuko-chan, he gives me this really disappointed or frustrated glare. It makes me want to cry when I see it but, maybe he really doesnt like the idea of me being with his younger sister. Maybe im thinking too much again but, he was really weird. I'll ask him when I see him. Im his best friend right? I should help him when he's feeling down! But while im still here,

i'll just keep enjoying my bath alone then.

Tanjiro's POV




"T-there m-must be another answer for t-this. Is there S-shinobu-san?" She just looked at me with a smile that looked like a kid tasting ice cream for the first time.

"Nope! It all fits!" She just kept on smiling and bouncing around. Is that really what im feeling? I don't believe it.

"H-how so?" I asked while I was so confused.

"See, you don't like him near other women because.... you're jealous!" Then she laughed. I exploded and blushed really hard over embarrasment and over the thought that I was just jealous!

Jealous over him just by going up to random women and being scared that he ends up with another person. Just the thought of it makes me really angry! After all this time it was just jealousy? Why was I jealous?

"M-may I ask why I was jealous?" I keep stuttering because i keep thinking about that possible idea that i AM in love with him. That's just crazy! Me! Falling in love with my best friend! My cute, hot best friend.. NONONONONONO! Then i noticed she stopped laughing and looked at me really serious. When she opened her mouth, she said.

"Because, you are in love with him! You don't want to see him with others because you want him all to yourself!" Then that left me thinking about it. Maybe I am in love with him. I just don't know what to do with this now that I noticed it.

"S-so then, what do I do about it?"

"Maybe you should just accept it and tell him about your feelings! Im sure its fine!" She asked finally back to smiling.

"O-ok then. Thank you Shinobu-san!" Then I closed the door and just collapsed, freaking out, a blushing mess and so embarrased. I stood up again and thought i'd take a little walk to just ease my mind and calm down. I started walking until I heard someone say my name and wow look at that, zenitsu.I tried to keep calm and just think normally.

He walked up to me and said "Tanjiro? Are you okay? You're really red. Maybe you're sick!" AGHH I CANT KEEP CALM!! I CAN DO THIS I CAN DO THIS, IM THE ELDEST SON! IM THE ELDEST SON! "Hey, you've been really weird lately. What's wrong? If there's something bugging you, you can talk to me about it! Im your best friend after all!"

For some reason that really struck me and really hurt me. Like I was just shot in the heart. Best friend huh. And with thatm im calm again. "Everything's fine! You don't have to worry about me! Zenitsu!" "Oh ok then! I'll just be at the kitchen!" Then I saw him humming while skipping. I just waited for him to get out of my view and started walking the opposite way.

I just became sad. I felt like i got rejected without even confessing. Maybe, i should keep these feelings for now and just stay how we were before. Maybe that's for the best. I'll look for a good opportunity and see if I can sway his heart somehow! It'll be fine! It'll be fine. Then water streamed down my face.

Is it raining? I looked up and nothing. The sky was so blue and so pretty. Another drop. Where was it coming from? Then, I touched my face and- oh. Oh. That's why. Im crying. Why? Why am I crying? Why does my heart hurt so much? I collapsed. It's been a while since the last time I cried. I didnt know how much it hurts to love someone. How it feels to be rejected. I just didnt know.

I'll keep this to myself and just take a break for a while.

It's been more than 5 minutes and im still walking around looking so depressed and at one time I saw Inosuke just bumping his head onto a tree. I admit that made me a little at ease. But didnt heal me completely.

I went back to my room and saw Zenitsu talking to Nezuko while she was in the box. I smelled a sense of uncomfortableness in Nezuko and showed no signs of an admire or something. She just seemed confused and annoyed with him. But the fact that he's smiling so much just by talking to Nezuko makes me sad. Then, I decided to take a nap to take my mind off things. I slept thinking that tomorrow will be a better day.

~the next day~

I woke up a little earlier than them and saw them in their own futons and sleeping really nicely. It made me a little at ease seeing them like that. I decided to go take another walk around. Then I stopped when I saw a really beautiful flower garden with a sakura tree and a bench. The atmosphere and the smell was really relaxing and i sat down. Just admiring the beauty of this garden made me forget all about what was happening.

Then someone sat next to me. Oh, Mitsuri-san. "Good Morning, Kamado-kun!" She said while happily smiling. "Good Morning, Mitsuri-san!" "It's really beautiful today and relaxing." I said finally at ease without a care in the world.

"Yep! It is! And Kamado-kun, Shinobu told me what you were going through and I thought I could lend a hand!" Oh right she's the love pillar so she must know more about this but, i wanted time off for a bit.

"No thank you! Im just wanting to take a break from him is all." I said then remembered what happened and i shook my head to forget about it. "Ok! Just come to me if you need any advice or something!" Then she left happily. I wish I could be happy like that. I wish he looked at me.

I wish it was me with him.

yay!! Second chapter and im still overflowing with ideas! Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of your day!

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