Chapter 3 - Sudden Moves

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Tanjiro's POV

I was still here in this beautiful garden with the smell of wisteria flowers that made me feel safe and relaxed. Like i don't have a care in the world. That silence was broken when I was called to eat breakfast at the kitchen.

"Kamado-kun! It's time for breakfast! Let's go!" Shinobu-san happily yelled that at me while waving her hands. I stood up and took one final look at this place. *sigh* "Okay! I'm on my way!" I replied while walking towards the kitchen. Fixing my self and ready to eat!

When I was about to go into the corridor, i smelled a really pleasant smell, a smell so familiar and pleasant that i could drown in it forever. that smell was coming closer from behind me. I wanted to know where it was coming from so I turn and look. I see Zenitsu. "Good Morning Tanjiro.... *yawn* let's go to the kitchen." He said. I followed him and then I tried my hardest not to freak out by thinking about other things. Like different types of breath styles. But my eyes just kept on going back to him. As if he was a magnet and my eyes just kept getting magnetized by those beautiful golden-yellow eyes.

It was a very silent and almost awkward walk towards the kitchen. Just how big is this place anyway?? I wanted to talk about something, even if its just small talk. I wanted to make conversation to get rid of this awkward atmosphere. Finally, I broke the silence and said "Hey. How are you these days?"

"Hmm.. im pretty good." He replied. What the hell does he mean by "really good"?? "You seem quieter. Is there something wrong?" I asked calmly knowing that I was the one that had something going on. "There's just been a lot on my mind lately. B-but nothing bad at all!! Im fine!" Hmm. There was something about the way he said that.

Is he hiding something? Maybe i have a chance! Well, im not sure and i shouldnt push him too much to say something he doesnt want to say. And im hiding things from him as well. "Ok then! Just don't stress about it too much!" I said as I patted his back. God, that feels relaxing and really embarrasing to do.

We were nearing the kitchen and there's someone screaming. Not "in pain" screaming but just like, loud annoying yelling. Zenitsu and I looked at each other, looking so confused as to what was happening in there.

I stepped in first and saw Inosuke with his hands tied behind his back and Mitsuri and Shinobu were just sitting on the other side of the table like nothing's wrong with smiles on their faces.

"U-uh is something wrong with Inosuke?" Zenitsu asked as if he was scared to what they were doing to him. "He keeps stealing food and we decided to just tie him up!" She said that with a scary look on her face! Uwahhh that was so scary coming from Shinobu! "O-ok." Zenitsu replied and we just stood for awhile. Then we finally went to our seats and started eating.


Everyone was talking about something. Mitsuri and Shinobu were talking about their hair styles and bows while, Zenitsu and Inosuke were arguing about something. It's just another day here. Another completely normal day.

I kept on eating and thinking. Then I looked around the room and my eyes landed on Zenitsu. He was just like eye candy to me. Everything about him is cute, beautiful and calming. Just from his smell im already going nuts in my head but i tried my hardest keeping it inside. It's really hard! I didnt want to be distracting so i just continue eating. Then, I didnt notice that I was looking too much and he noticed me and we locked eyes for a second until I finally looked away. Gosh that was way too embarrasing!

Then I saw a piece of rice on his cheek. "Oh Zenitsu! You have a piece of rice on your cheek!" I said while pointing to him where it was. "E-eh?! R-really, thank you for telling me." he still couldnt remove it. He was rubbing all around his face and i just went close to him and wiped it away. I kept on rubbing it away and I didnt know that the rice was already gone and instead, i was stroking his cheek. It's so soft and squishy. Then I realized what I was doing and quickly jumped back to my seat. Regretting all of my decisions. Im now a blushing mess.

"S-s-sorry! I don't know what came over me!" AHHHHHH THAT WAS SO EMBARASSING!!! WHY DIDNT I STOP!! "N-no! Its fine! Y-you just cleaned my face that's all! Thank you, by the way!" Then he smiled.

That smile looked like the most beautiful thing that i have ever seen in my life. But i kept thinking back to that embarrasing moment and i am still a blushing mess! Why would I do that... ugh. I went back to eating and after, i bowed and walked away back to the beautiful garden.

Zenitsu's POV

T-that was really weird!! Why did he have to go and do that!? Stupid Tanjiro! Forehead! Cutie- WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT NO! I. AM. INTO. GIRLS! NOT TANJIRO! ughhhh why did he have to go and do that! i mean it wasnt bad or anything but-NO! OK OK OK! I'LL JUST GO TAKE A LITTLE WALK.

I walked around for a little bit and some flowers caught my attention around the corner. I decided to go check it out. It seemed really pretty. Maybe i could give one to Nezuko~ hee hee hee!

Then as i turned the corner, I saw the most beautiful view that I have ever seen. It had a sakura tree and a wisteria tree. They were all in bloom and there were also purple flowers growing on them and on the ground. They were practically shining and glowing. There was also a fountain that had really clean and clear water. It was overflowing and made this little river around the garden.

In the middle, I see, Tanjiro, sitting down on a bench with his eyes closed, taking deep breaths and had the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. He looked very at ease. His sound as well. His sound was like a calming river. It was just pleasant to hear. His smile is so bright and so nice to look at. Cute! Huh? HUUUUHH?!? I CALLED HIM CUTE?! NO WAY. NO WAY NO WAY. Then he opened his eyes, revealing those beautiful crimson red eyes. And looked at the bright glowing trees. With the reflection, his eyes shined like the stars in the sky. I touched the cheek that he caressed, it was still warm.

He always made this kind sound. This sound that is so kind and loving, it can make anyone cry just from hearing it. It was like an open clear blue sea with beautiful fishes and coral reefs. It was just perfect. It was so heart-warming and relaxing to see and hear. Everyday, even when fighting demons. Everytime i hear it, i just calm down and feel like everything is ok.

Maybe. Just maybe. Im feeling something. I'll admit it. Maybe. Maybe. But im not sure. Just maybe.

Maybe im in love with him.

Third chapter!! and im still over flowing with ideas. i love creating stories that will make anyone happy! Remember to cheer up and smile! Through those bad days, just smile it out and take deep breaths! You can do this!

Enjoy! =)))

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