Chapter 19

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We arrived at the dorm. I went straight to my room to do the pregnancy test. I went to my bathroom and peed on it.

I waited for about minutes to get the result. I looked at it and it has 2 lines which means it's really positive. I sat on my toilet and cried my tears out there.

" I need to quit my career soon. So I want to give my best to the fans now. " I mumbled to myself. I really don't want to quit my career and most specially Twice. But I have to.

I quickly wiped off my tears and washed my face in the sink. I then went out my bathroom and went to the living room to join the others.

" Everyone. I have something to tell you. Please don't freak out. " I said to them. They then nodded and looked at me confused. " I'm pregnant. " I said. I looked at them and they were shocked.

" Oh my god! I'm going to be an aunt!! " Momo said as she came running towards me and held my tummy.

" How many weeks? " Jeongyeon unnie asked me while Momo is still holding my tummy.

" 1 month. " I answered her as I went to sit at the couch. They then came one by one to touch my tummy.

" Have you told Jungkook? " Momo asked me buy I shooked my head. " Why? " She asked me.

" I'm planning to tell him on his birthday. Since it's near. " I answered her. She them just nodded.

We talked about the baby's name and stuffs. I laughed on how excited they were. We laughed and made fun of each other.

" Sana has done it!! Who else did?! " Jeongyeon unnie said as she laughed more. The girls went silent as if they were embarrassed. But they started to blush afterwards.

" What the fuck?! You all did it already?! So I'm the only one virgin here?! " She freaked out as we all then laughed at her.

We laughed and laughed at each other. We then decided not go out and we just ordered some foods and have a movie marathon.

It's been days since we knew about my pregnancy. The girls took care of me and my baby. They did helped me to secret it from Jungkook and there boyfriends.

Today is August 25, days more before Jungkook's birthday. Today is our day off so me and the girls will go out. Me and the girls went out the building and our manager drove the van to drop us.

Me, Mina, Tzuyu and Dahyun then went out the van. We walked inside the building with our mask on. We rode the elevator and parted ways as we reached the floors.

I took a deep breath as I knocked on Jungkook's apartment door. I waited for some minutes before he opened the door.

" Jagi!! " He shouted in excitement and hugged me so I hugged him back. We broke the hug as we closed the door behind.

" How's your schedule? " I asked him as we sat down on the couch.

" It's good for now. But next months will be very tight. I'll miss you. " Jungkook answered. I nodded at him.

" I want ice cream. " I mentioned. Jungkook looked at me confused. I just smiled at him and give him a pout. He then giggled on what I did. He then stood up and grabbed something on his fridge.

Jungkook then came back with a cup of ice cream and a spoon in his hand. He then came and sat beside me as he give me the ice cream. I ate the ice cream while he is looking at me. I took a spoonful of ice cream and gave it to him.

He eat it and smiled at me. We spent the day together. It's already 10:00 in the evening and I have to go home.

" Kook. I have to go back to dorm now. " I said to him. He looked at me as he pouted his lips. I chuckled at his actions.

" Already? " He asked me and I just nodded. He then got up and just nodded. He then went to his closet to change his clothes.

I also got up and fixed my things as I wear my mask on. Jungkook then got out and wear his mask on. He the grabbed his keys and phone and we went out the apartment.

Jungkook held my waist as we went to the parking lot and rode the car. And we drove off to our dorm.

Time passed by, as he was driving. We arrived at our building.

" Take care okay? Drive back safely. " I reminded him as he just nodded. He leaned in to kiss me. And broke it. I then bid my good bye to him and went out the car. I waved to him before I went inside the building and walked inside our dorm.

" Finally you're here. " Jihyo said as she sighed in relief when I walked inside. Like they were so worried.

" Let's go sleep girls. " Nayeon unnie then said as we nodded and went to our rooms.

I went to my bathroom and took a bath. I then went to change to my pajamas. I walked to my bed and drifted off to sleep.


~ to be continued ~

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