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Compare the ways of two birds
Though neither like the other
One big, and strong, and tough, an eagle
The other, tiny, fragile as can be, a robin

The eagle flies, his shadow covering all else
Absorbing the sun
So no one below gets any light
The robin hops
Taking in all the darkness
Letting others take all the light from him

Can you compare?

The eagle sings
Loud and beautiful
Letting everyone hear his sound
The robin chirps
Soft and sweet
Yet no one hears a thing

Can you compare?

The eagle eats
The biggest worms in the patch
gets the best seeds
The robin pecks
The weeds and bugs
Not needing as much to live

Can you compare?

The eagle gives no sun to the robin
The eagle drowns out the robin's chirp
The eagle eats all the worms before the robin
The robin lets this happen
The robin is quiet
The robin is content
Isn't he?

Because quiet means all is right.
Because quiet means happiness.
Doesn't it?

Can you compare?

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