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feeling and falling
head over feet, knees scraped
bloody and.. what?

it didn't happen

losing it all yet nothing that matters
scrapes and burns
tears fall but why
what for ?

can't remember
if you cant, did it matter?
that's the saying

live life by sayings because if not
then what is even real

are you? am i?
is this?

too scared to even ask
so i wait

quiet, he may hear you

whispers die on bitten tongues
try hard to keep a head
when it's meant to be nonsensical


however you mean to build it
i'll follow
watch, quietly of course
until you tell me


tree forts , clubhouses
blanket homes
they weren't ???

so you mean
to tell me
that it all wasn't?

the gentle warmth of red lights
the chill of the river out back
though that makes no sense?
why would a river...
be there?

silly silly

move on, let go
one voice always must be lost
one voice

now you see
what was the point of this?

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