
2 0 0

little did she know
the echoes of the footsteps
the whispers of her mind
didnt mean much at all

walk every step with a new meaning
tap three times
i love you , whisper
i love you
do you hear me?

nothing seems to matter
every day nothing new
survival , just breathe
you saved yourself right
right ?

heavy sobs aligned with the stars
count them under your breath
one two three , 1 2 3
don't lose sight of it
don't lose touch

breathy smiles and shortcomings
don't let go
don't lose me
hold on tight
please, please?

simple little numbers
18 75 -9 , 143 1 75
what do they mean?
nothing necessary
yet it means the world

headspace rocky, waters choppy
when i used to reach out
you were right there
maybe if i'd just stayed
we'd be the same

funny how the world works
our backs turned to the dragonflies behind
worlds apart
yet one word
i wonder

don't touch it
fragility, a necessity
rocking seas
a space alone
i just want to go home

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